. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Have you heard the call yet?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Have you heard the call yet?

(A lone voice whispers)

In a modern world drowning in sweet old white lies

Floating like golden leaves and fluttering like Monarch butterflies 

In winter's silvery moonlight

Where green ivy grows and black coated crows 

Embrace Mother Midnight 

In Her blackest low hours

Beneath an Ash Tree 

Somewhere near

Miraculous sounds 

Summon lost souls

To appear in Dreamland 

With such irresistible power

Like maybe you 

Like me

By calls made by forest owls

And a white lone-wolf howl

Noises kissing the cold winters breeze like long-lost lovers

Sending out calls to all those who still 

In the Old Ways


Crying out to be given life's new keys

To walk with others


By their side

And swear a secret oath 

To Forests pagan call

In Dreamland 

Underneath that Ash Tree

To provide 

A sanctuary in hope 

For those needing to cope

To show the lost 

Fumbling in the dark

To try to be their guide

And in that celestial exchange of an unseen love

Leave a sigil in their heart

For kindness shown throughout years of service To helping others 

Summoned to do so

By a strange call from Mother Midnight 

Will forever pay

The Toll Keeper to Paradise


Your entrance fee

When you are eventually 


For helping others who may have eaten 

The poisonous fruit from humanities self destructive 


Called Annihilation


While lost in dark fields of self-gratification 


Copyright John Duffy 

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The Invocation of Xo