. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Have you been a member of the Tribes of the Cassée?

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Have you been a member of the Tribes of the Cassée?


Have you been a member of the Tribes of the Cassée?

(A lone voice whispers)

Like a seductive crimson arrow shot from Eros golden bow

The Moon
Mankind and all the Milky Way


When that crimson arrow hits
Your once well-planned path
Will split

And all the famous harmonies of poetry

Will lament at your door
Like falling Winters leaves

As you walk in its low country

And if you're really lucky,
You'll be hit by an arrow 

That never falls out
And makes you bleed

But if unlucky 
Doomed to fall out and grieve 

But in mournful lips
There is an exquisite gift

A new taste of a dark sensation 

A greatness to express a new world outlook 

From a tear filled Nation 

So fear not if Love's crimson arrow takes you down like an Eagle from the Sky

Your new gift to write from experience in any form
Or in a well-written book 

Might console someone new 
To the Tribes of the Cassée

To help them as their soul cries and grieves

Like someone 
Who graciously 
Once wrote this to me

When I was a lost member of the Tribes of Hemoglobinopathy

For love is a disease of the blood

And when you're broken
You'll need someone strong to lean on 

To help you walk out of its deep mud

Copyright John Duffy

(Cassée - Broken)

Image shared under fair usage policy.

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