. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Lost love

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Lost love


(A lone voice whispers)

I met my first love in June

When the full Moon 

Ruled the night sky

Like Zeus

And those sweet memories will always remain

Even now,

Since she's gone and I feel such pain.

The Heavens light 

I know

Will shine soon again 

Lighting up the Moon 

As we once more are reintroduced

Like on that beautiful day 

We first met in June

And even though this pain follows me 

Like a ghost down every lane

In the public and spiritual domains

Offering me dark fruits

Like Hera

I still march on

Carried by the memories of walking hand in hand 

In such fun

Fancy free and footloose 

Down so many unforgettable side streets 

And that's why 

Even now, 

After 22 years

Of painful mental abuse 

I can't say goodbye 

For as I look up into the night sky

Up high

And see a full Moon 

I still cry




Why Lord

Did my true love have to die


Copyright John Duffy 

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