. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Demarcation Zone

Friday, November 29, 2024

The Demarcation Zone

 The Demarcation Zone

(A lone voice whispers)

As individuals, we don't sometimes realise the scope of utter hopelessness, until we unknowingly endure it

Or witness it

But within all that emotional spiritual warfare

A glorious Demarcation Zone always exists


Pain and Salvation 

Just awaiting courageous souls to cross it

To reach a new emotional nation

To find a new paradigm of looking at something filled with hope

To cope

A whisper of something glorious 

Something to soothe the courageous 

So when Hopelessness strikes

Look deep inside and hear that inner voice whisper

Hold strong

Try to stay the course

Cling on to your strength

Let's cross over

The Demarcation Zone

So when darkness looms

When all things seem despondent and desperate

Like Wormwood Star

The Dark Comet

Always remember 

Your part in The Great Game 

Is not over yet


Copyright John Duffy

A demarcation zone is a boundary or limit that separates two areas.

In this case, Hopelessness and Hope.

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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