. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Sacred Tree

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Sacred Tree


(A lone voice whispers)

I can remember now I'm seventy-five

In this nursing home called

The Atonement 

A surreal time 

When I felt so alive

A pivotal moment in my life when happiness blew 

Like a magical ruby red seed within golden leaves

Through my soul garden

Where nobody grows

And slowed and stopped to paint a priceless picture like a young Picasso 

I thought would last forever

When we caressed 

And would never die 

Up high 

In our now twin minds, 

Midnight sky

A tapestry of two hearts beating as one 

Entwined in mind

Where in time

We spoke in rhymes 

But like all golden leaves Once green

Sent from The Great In-Between 

The gold heralds a time to grieve

So now apart

We silently cry 

Me the daylight 

And She 

The crow 

Who flies at night 

With ruby red lips

Bestowed with a kiss 

To sink so many ships

And in this mournful hour In this precarious night 

As I write

Before Saint Peter

Calls me home

I leave this letter to her

Infused with powerful memories of those happy days and hours

So she knows

I'll always remember the day we first met

And each willingly received

A red rose from the sacred tree

All lovers see

In each other's enamored eyes

When with eight magical letters

They bind forever 

With a sweet romantic line

They utter

I love you

Before their beautiful relationship breaks down and stutters


Copyright John Duffy

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