. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A 21st Century Question?

Thursday, December 19, 2024

A 21st Century Question?


A 21st Century Question?

Do people still need real human poetry in the 21st century 

Some still ask as AI plagiarizes when put to task

To be the social connectors

The innovation and invitation 

To new or old, writers

Adored heroes

Thought leaders

To breathe form from the intangible into their quiet lives

For them to taste the twist and guile of the Mysteries Schools

Poetry in all its many magical ceremonial forms provides

For soon

Each and every quest will end in a visit to a lone watchtower 

In the mind

And when one is on the other side watching from those parapets

AI won't help 

Because only real created human poetry will help you once again remember

Through someone else's shared experience 

In rhymes

All those people and things you once loved

So you don't forget 

With the passing of time


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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