. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Call to Venus

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Call to Venus


(A lone voice whispers as a ceremony begins)

Candles lit

In brazier pit

Like a reborn Prospero

Music playing 

As offerings 

Are lit

To summon the universe

And all who goes

To step in and commit


Guardians in

The Great In-Between

Guard us

And all our kin

From all unseen

Who flows

White lights


Around our homes

To guard against ghouls

From loosened tombs

Floating around like red balloons

We pray tonight 

For astral protection 

In all our rooms


Candles lit

In brazier pits



Music playing 

As sandalwood offerings

And Christmas ferns

Are used as keys 

Of devotional angelic magic

To turn away

All who conspire 

And drink from the Devil's Urn

As we call to you


For protection 

As the Great Wheel



Come our sceptre-bearer of harmony 

And love to cope

Do ut de

Dum vivo 

Repleti spe

(‘I give that you may give.

As long as I live. Filled with hope.)


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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