. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Voice at 4 am

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Voice at 4 am

(A lone voice whispers)

As we stroll this Long Walk together

On Boxing Day

Someone's prayer reached out through the Ether and asked me


Are we all silently walking in a spiritual sense

Do some like me walk blindly from A to B with no purpose or willful intent

Do others have a planned route

Painfully justified and organized, detailed, and meticulously unbent

And do a few accept whatever happens

So here's my answer for you if you're here

The point simply is: we are all silently walking spiritually home

Approaching bridges of challenges and uncertainty we must cross to find a new kind of renewal

For by doing so:

We can find a form of poetic catharsis from which to grow

To find ourselves and to really know

The universes secrets linked to us as they flow

And by encountering those many bridges we must cross alone in the mind, but guided by a family member or true friends

We can help ourselves find a kind of salvation

But like all things

There is temptation 

A temptation to follow the crowd

A temptation where You could lose too much to its identity cremation

So always remember 

Every soul walks silently by day and by night 

And must tremble inwardly with exhilaration at the thought of achieving a degree of happiness’s touch

Many old souls like me could tell you a secret if you inquired

“A soul, which remains shackled within the chains of the opinion of others, and the fear of change.

Will always be searching and could go wild since it’s too much.”

To truly embrace and find happiness: you must be true to yourself.

A life of hopelessness and meaninglessness could transpire if one does not find the courage to conquer and know oneself.

For we all are silently walking in a spiritual sense:

So, do you walk alone, with family members and true friends, or simply follow the crowd?

A question layered with multiple outcomes which may lead to you being forever bowed

So in closing 

You must always choose because you are always walking.

Who do you walk with apart now with me at this moment?

I think you sometimes need to walk alone, and sometimes, hand in hand with family and friends but within the crowd: 

You could lose your voice forever.


I walk alone after sometimes seeking advice from others

For only I can truly walk my walk

Free from the crowd

It's what my Grandma always taught me

So my soul doesn't feel shackled and goes wild


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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