. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Voice of Daruda

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Voice of Daruda

The Voice of Daruda

(A lone voice whispers from The Great In-Between)

Many of us in here

Just wonder

Is your social media an unreported captivating habit

Do you all just now suffer from Addiction Affliction

Is that the new drug of the 21st Century

And once you've had a hit

Are you just addicted to it

Be honest

Can you really leave your phone off for a day

Or do you just return relentlessly from the real world you inhabit

Always seeking Escapism with it

It seems to us

That this is the new drug of the 21st Century

Are you but unknowing

Prisoners imprisoned in this new technological penitentiary

Just driven and magnified by new friends and information

You are constantly told you need

Is this addiction the Twentieth Century’s ungodly addictive mead

Were you taken in by but a sip or do you ration with a quick nip

Do you deem social media a captivating habit

Do you wish you could sometimes forget the real world you inhabit

But are you just sacrificing something in return

Are you forgetting to really engage in real life

Do you consciously make a choice to constantly check for updates

From social media and all its ungodly platforms

As it slowly reduces your ability to see what's really going on

Are you simply letting social engineers manipulate you

Have you stopped going out that front door and seeing just nature or someone special 

Shouldn't you all visit Mother Nature more

Embrace family and more importantly

Live life

Some Mystics say for every smile you can elicit from other

It makes the journey lighter and helps the soul recover

Mystics say to give freely

For you have also known want

Mystics in here

Say to offer hope to those in need with nothing in return

It's how your soul teaches your consciousness to learn

If you can do all or some of the above

Maybe you and humanity can learn to live in love

You might still have jealousy and greed but with hope

They will be a dwindling breed

What says you

Will you sacrifice what the social engineers say you need?


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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