. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The voice of Miss Hughes

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The voice of Miss Hughes

 The voice of Miss Hughes

When I look out at the world as one great big muse

I can see the real war still continues
Between the material and the spiritual

A timeless theme repeated constantly on the news of people being used 

Going back to Cain and Abel

People judging while searching for their own form of big answers

Whilst sitting at their version of a God's big table 

Would you take the red or blue pill 

Some ask and be put to task 

As you wear your beloved mask

But God has already answered

For your face will soon show who you really are 

For whatever you feel or think is only skin deep

It just takes time for that realization to materialize to sink in

And to finally understand 

A spiritual war is always in full flow 

To save yourself, 
You just have to be careful 

Where and who your energy is drawn to 

Since you're part of a much bigger picture show 

Than you can ever know 

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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