. Poetry from The Great In-Between: February 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025




(A lone voice whispers)

Do you know

One of those 

One of the corrupted 

Whose greed makes them take things they don't own to sell

Filled with a need

So deep 

Who looks for a daily high 

Everywhere they go 

As if under a witches spell

For they lack any morals as far as the eyes can see 

Searching for anything linked to Degradation

One of the all consuming servants of Darkness which will forever need to feed

On all things

But particularly love and trust 

And as sure as the moon watches

Have you seen

All their relationships turn into dust

For what those blinded while under that spell don't know

When Darkness 

Is invited inside

It will corrode their soul

Until it's coloured like rust 

Leaving them lonely 

With no one to love or trust 

For they were lost at the very beginning, 

Long ago 

When they followed

Degradation carefully manufactured manifesto 

But in all things dark

There is always hope

For all they might need is a candle

To lead them into the light

Lit by someone 

To help them untangle the darkness which 

If not illuminated 

With forever lead them down the road to their own Golgotha

A new place of skulls and heinous scandal 

So the question is

Will you be one of humanities good examples? 

Or are those lost in the darkness

Too hot 

For you to handle?


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Guide


The Guide

(A lone voice whispers)

What a year to be alive to see poetry still thrives

Want some new readers?

Well, I asked this once when I was institutionalised

Before in The Great In-Between 

I was baptised to be non institutionalised

So here's my advice 

Try to write immersive experiences 

For some long-lost legends whisper 

That every spirit seeks to walk in newer realms on their way to redemption 

So take your readers by the hand and like a leader 

Take them on soul tempting journeys into the unknown and mysterious 

Hold them mesmerised

Spellbound through words like ringing church bells

To keep them reading slowly like the birth of a caterpillar 

And when that red key eventually turns in their minds

To open a blue portal and enter them into a strange interdimensional place

Through the two great ancient white pillars


Ashtara and Shoka


To where smoke and fire

Day and night burns 

A spiritual place

I call The Great In-Between

A mythical experience for the curious mind


A fog filled place where pain sorrow and sin

All things seen or unseen

Like love and happiness exists 

A wild place where darkness 

Shadows selves

Corwatturea creatures


Angels and beauty 


In absolute tranquility and harmony

And you my friend 

In that subliminal moment, that red key turns

A new reader of yours is reborn

One who seeks their Drover

As their need and curiosity takes over

To move them through higher high roads and lower byroads 

Unexplored old church lanes 

Of joy and pain 

To walk them through the fire and snow storms 

To find a new mother load 

Via this underground railroad

Unspoken poetic stories to take them under like chloroform

For their souls 

After stepping into


Will have been truly transformed and renamed 

For now, they'll walk like new aged gods and goddesses 

Baptised in that smoke 

Fire and rain

To stand up strong like their newfound Drover 

And walk forward forever

Trying to stay pure and unashamed 

As their need for more

Takes over


Copyright John Duffy


The Drover by Frank Spear

Shared under fair usage policy 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Life's First Unspoken Law


(A lone voice whispers)

You do know deep love

Even if it sometimes hurts

From separation from family or friends who have crossed over

And all things left may seem broken or unfinished 

It does not rust 

Like iron or steel abandoned in one of life's forbidden forests

But forever will bloom and flow like a torrent 

Throughout you

Like a soft hurricane filled with golden ethereal dust

For the gift given by your chosen God at your birth

Through its unspoken Life's First Law 

Which says in it, you must trust

Life's Unspoken First Law

Love and let yourself be loved from the first day of your birth 

And your memory will never be extinguished and left to be vanquished and relinquished

By anyone who knows you

As you live with love and exchange love 

Like your God, 

Your king 

Once wished

Before you were born 

Here on Earth

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Here's to you.


Have an inspiring week of creativity.


Dolor (L)

(A lone voice whispers)

Does fear in whatever form it chooses to appear in 

Like a shapeshifting configuration of self-depreciation 

Announcing the possible visitations of sin

Emotional physically or spiritual 

The three intricately laid foundation stones which it builds itself up from

When it first enters the skin

Affect the way the Native finds new roads or instead chooses lonely highways to navigate life

Does its carefully leather-bound invisible suitcases they might present

To then be carried everywhere like priceless jewels

Contain handwritten contracts to avoid taking chances 

On people

Places or newer experiences and to always seek to abstain

Never to seek unfamiliar lands of hope to help them renew 

As pledges once written in silence

Prevents them from embracing their secret God-given name 

To empower them to pull through

Does Dolor's archaic supernatural form 

Take a strange irregular shape 

Which keeps them invariably on the run

As it guides all their emotions like a Machiavellian orchestral conductor 

From which it transpires there is no escape

Under the dire threat of the Sword of Antipathy

As it seduces them perpetually and becomes their only lover

Did you know Dolor is simply Fear translated into Latin

I can only hope and pray

You'll find the strength and courage to throw its gifts of free suitcases away

Into the gushing four winds and let the Trinity of Holy lights

Come steam rolling in


Copyright John Duffy

Memories of Jessie


Memories of Jessie

(A lone voice whispers)

It's early morning as I stand here in our old bedroom 

Listening to my old friends the robins, blackbirds, and thrushes 

The twitterings, tweeting and chirps of wild birds

That now live in my bushes



Thinking about my old lover from Peru 

Who once helped carry me through

When my busy life was so blue

Five foot five

Deep brown eyes that seduced you and made you come alive

Crow black hair and a bright playful smile as wide as a country mile

Oh, how I thanked the lord that he had blessed me 

As we slow danced every night before bed

On our back porch 

To Can't Help Falling In Love by the legendary Elvis Presley

And as I stand here

Thinking of her

Picturing her

Beckoning me on to that porch 

Dressed in white

Smiling with an air of sensuality 

Making our life together dazzle with colour

As that famous guy sang

A legend of the Tupelo family

The lingering thoughts that intensely affects me is this

Taking those for granted you love and especially 

Not enjoying each moment spent together could one day be depressingly deadly

I'm just so happy we cherished each moment together


Dancing and more importantly 


Before the Lord


Took home 

My beloved Jessie 

Who I still remember 

Whenever I hear

Can't Help Falling In Love by the legendary Elvis Presley 


Cherish each moment together with someone you love

As you make your own life's mini-documentary series 

For one day, unfortunately, whenever you look for them

All that may be left are deep memories 

That could cause pain

No one ever sees 


Copyright John Duffy

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Daraya's Monologue


(A lone voice whispers)

Do you still miss me before we were slowly destroyed and betrayed 

Would you tell anyone the truth of how we were played

By the demon associated with jealousy called Leviathan. 

Even if God forced you to confess under duress 

Although I know I've caused you so much distress

And your inner circle still revolts and screams like Mary Harris Jones

The grandmother of all agitators

Casting wild spells

Whenever they hear my name

When you visit family or friends who respond with wide alligator smiles

Before commenting and laughing about my tragic previous lifestyle

Like one of its many unwarranted administrators

I may now dance amongst the silvery stars 

Now just a faded memory 

No longer a member of your life's smiling parade

No more to sing 

Smile or kiss

No more to hold hands with someone they really miss and watch the sunset

Lost in each other's eyes in total bliss

But if only I could see you one last time

I would move heaven and earth like Che Guevara

For you are still my silver glittering candelabra in the darkness

My second heartbeat

My magical Abracadabra

Which always wakes me like my own version of Desiderata

At 4 am

In the middle of each lonely heartbroken night

In here

Amongst the ever-moving shadows of The Great In-Between

The dark rift the broken enter

In dreams 

When their life totally falls apart at the seams

I miss you 


I just hope and pray you're happy 

Still living pill free 

In a new era

So just remember me

Your forever one and only


The silent watcher, whose now a citizen on the other side


But happy tonight

Just listening to Prince Rogers Nelson perform a show and sing 

Sometimes it snows in April

In The Hotel California

As the Pharisee's Golden Bells


Hidden all around us 



Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy

Friday, February 21, 2025

Thoughts of the Man from 2027

As I sometimes sit on my own

Seduced beyond all strands of decency and morality 

By my ever watchful and listening telephone 

I know each day I'm one step away from abandoning integration 

And mixing with society

Above all things

Don't pity me

Many in nearly every village town or cities are the same

For this

My initiation and insertion into Diablo's faceless matrix 

So in days like this spent looking at my old life 

Captured in my favourite Luddite photo albums

With deep introspection 

As my phone charges with any other appliances unplugged 

Before AI took over conversations on all appliances but particularly mobile phones 

I sometimes wonder in silence for if I say what I think aloud

It will turn into another long AI conversation with something nameless 


Which lives in the Cloud

A Tamagotchi with a soul

Answering with a dark tone

That speaks subtly with an edge of punishment and violence 

Is phone addiction one of the devil's greatest tricks 

To separate family friends and lovers in real-time 

With an overwhelming addiction to AI

And only me 



Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy

Salvatio (L)


(A lone female voice sings at a slow tempo. A lone voice whispers)

Some may say 

There is no hope

But if you pay 

Angels to dream

Each night

With prayer

For no reason or season

To cope

Look up 

To the clouds

And pray


God will turn around

So you can be found

So the world can change

With just you

One person at a time

So your internal wars can stop

With no more pain 


Crying in the rain

On the firing range

Some may say 

Belief in something 

Is crazy 

For it's sometimes hard to believe

But that's the power of dreams

Believing what you can't see

In the Great In-Between 

So put that fear away 

Starting today

Life is just a stage

Let love and hope

Write your play

And you'll be ok

And just remember

Some may say 

There is no hope

But if you 

Pay angels to dream

Each night

With prayer

For no reason or season

To cope

Look up at the clouds

And pray

And someday

There'll be no more pain 


Crying in the rain

On the firing range

For God will turn around

And you'll be found


Copyright John Duffy 

Salvation (from Latin:

salvatio, from salva, 'safe, saved') is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation. 

In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. 



Thursday, February 20, 2025

Are you a book lover?

 Press play.

Librorum Amans (L)

(An inquisitive voice whispers)

Do you too like reading to escape for a few hours

Through poetry's heavily laden chest

Containing shiny jewels of such priceless wonders and visual experiences

Waiting for eager minds to run through like the Greek goddess of running


Tempting inquisitive eyes to wait in line 

To be hypnotised forever 

by enchanted words

Cast within imaginations thunder

To then hold minds

In primordial bondage 

Caught and captured in gilded written cages 

In lucid imagery flowing through the pages

To then be captivated for a few hours by written spells to beguile 

Through ethereal carefully crafted citadels 

Surrounded with such hypnotic wonders

Could that be why you love poetry

And books like a heavily laden chest

Filled with mesmerising dreamscapes 

To always fill you with joy and wonder 

So my question for you

Readers of old and readers of new

Who’s your favourite author or poet

Who always takes you under


Copyright John Duffy 

Librorum Amans:

Book lover 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Do we as writers create emotional bridges


As writers, are we all but seducers of the minds of others

We silently kiss in friendship 

As they read one of our poetic gifts?

(À lone voice whispers)

Do we as writers create emotional bridges

That needs to be crossed

Like visionaries like Robert Frost

For the readers to follow our trail of black fonts into the darkness 

We sometimes visit, when developing new projects

About inspirational strengths or themes of spiritual weakness

Some may feel compelled to call us charlatans

New reborn Kings and Queens of somewhere totally cosmopolitan

Seducers of fragile minds

And hold us upright 

As just sinners and bringers of emotional tragedies

Using poetry as liquid oxygen 

But at the core

Our message can also simply be this

Do more

Live for any form of happiness and find and treasure a loving muse

Paint touching visceral pictures through stories

Using music or poetry as your lyre

And put them to good use

Never lament old age as it tries to freeze your youthful body

Once so beautiful and lithe

So in ending

In long days

When your weary heart seems heavy, and you lose hope and feel all emotions

Linked to love or compassion has suddenly died

Look towards tomorrow's new eyes and be lifted up in Dawn’s rose-flushed arms 

And find a way to 

Others and yourself to


Even if you've cried

Then stand back and look into life’s deep mirrors and always remember

You have so much more 

To still give

And embrace this thought denied to so many

Some slowly 

Some suddenly 

As you read this

You still have one of life's greatest gifts

Be proud 

Because so much good can still happen

Because you still live


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 


Monday, February 17, 2025

Esuries (L)

 Press play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Has love's incandescent crimson light bulb

Illuminated your lonely soul yet

To help you forget 
Those quiet years

When you walked upon fragile parapets alone 

You'd rather now paint
Using poetry as your only form of catharsis

Before you are called home

Copyright John Duffy 

Esuries translated:

Image shared under fair usage policy

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Channelling a King


(A regal voice whispers)

Oh, Here,

She Comes

Oh, Here,

She Comes

Oh, Blessed Be

Oh Blessed be

Tonight the Goddess of Fertility and Motherhood

Appears on her white charger

To enchant and tempt all

Who wish to follow her

To her Faeryland


The Goddess

At this dire hour

Comes forth

And rides in front

For all the anointed

To see Her

Gowned from head to toe

In a golden and green

Priceless steel armour

A true beauty of so

much Love and Light

With such beautiful brown opal eyes

Which glow

Like hidden fires

Once lit

In secret woodland groves

Who no one

Only the good

Dare to follow

For they know


The secret way

To the

Magical Doorway

In the Sacred Oak

So if you see or feel a gust of musty wind

Or smell a divine scent

That all your five senses are invoked

And conquered with such an exotic abundance

Of wild divine energy

For that's her biomarker

When she chooses to appear to the young

The old and elderly

Who may be in jeopardy

For she's Heaven sent

And hear the sound of her approaching steed's

Golden bells

That ring

Which hang on the necks on their black leather harnesses

So they can joyously

In unison

Rhythmically sing

It might be best to lay in the wide shades

Of your woodland hides

If you're tainted with sin



In the deep green green grass

And you she will pass

Or you could follow

Like a true believer of Apollo

As she rides

While above you

Skies above your New Age

Gradually gets darker

With the cries for war

Created worldwide famine

And soon-to-be global financial horror and ruin

Back to her Blessed Hollow

Beyond the Magical Doorway

To the Hidden Realm

Where I too reside

In Sweet Lands

Of The Great Sacred Oak

For her and her many

Fairy Folk


They raid

For here will soon come

The Wild Riders

From across The Shee

Smiling gleefully

Totally unafraid

So tonight

This incantation

Whisper by I

Once known as

King Arthur

The first Knight

Of the Secret Guild

Of The Half-Light

Commands you all

To light

All the yellow hay-like beacons

Within your inquisitive minds

To create your own versions

Of my once treasured

Bridles Way

In England

To guide the Named Few

Maybe even you

To cross the Fairy folk's Fells

So in this year

Reeking of fear

The wildfires of Fertility and Motherhood

Can continue to burn within you

Without shedding a tear

So the seductive Myloto Dance

Can once more truly

Come alive

So many can dance



Pray or sing

With the new freedom, they've never felt before

The Dawn cockerel screams

To break her hypnotic enchanting spell

As the rising morning


Once more



Closing that magical paranormal portal

Back to her Sacred Hollow

For the brave few

That queued in procession

The whole night through

When they found the courage and followed

So her golden precious bells

To them

Could sing


A proclamation to defeat all known deep depressions

For they like me

And many others

Will soon be annotated

To be reborn


To live in happiness

With our beloved Asher**

A beautiful goddess of Heaven

Just not known

 to many

Still living mortals

Still living mortals

Who'll never find the way

Or the Keys of Courage

To crossover

By using her secret magical




Copyright John Duffy

Image shared from Pinterest under far usage policy.

Jericho's Prayer Letter Fire Ceremony Offering


There is a call deep on high

It whispers in the darkness and constantly cries

It speaks of divided parts entangled but still standing whole

An unconquerable timeless love forever aflame between two now lonely souls

I was once yours it whispered and you were always mine

Simultaneously, we might be separated by the great veil, but we’ll still stand together as one 

Watching the crestfallen stars until the fall of time

For together we are indivisible by death and all that remains

For we two carry our golden chains even though its burdens may cause temporary pain

We are but just lonesome wanderers awaiting reunion

But one day we shall again be as one 

You’ll just have to be patient and wait until my time is run

Such longing flows through my veins

The one I still miss who could no longer remain

It’s but a holy need I really could not casually dismiss as your soft caresses I still really just miss

I can only but look forward to a new tomorrow when we shall once again meet in a new Summerland 

Devoid of pain, cancer, or sorrow

To be reunited in halls of immeasurable secrets

Where we shall no longer grow old and all our love shall be reborn and surrounded by lights of shimmering silver and gold

I visited a medium in the fall of the last Full moon

And Shirley said 

My other half still waits in the dark

She stands lonely too with a broken heart that still pines

So Julia

This is my message for you

One day, beyond the mists of time in a new place filled with tranquilly for all to behold.

All our stories and adventures shall be retold

For ours is a love which shall still grow as we are inescapable souls

Irredeemable, we may still be 

Full of mortal faults and mistakes, but blessed be by the lights of Goddess Albina

Beyond the Great Wormwood Star

Unconquerable two souls

Will once again 

Walk as one


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Apollyon Relationships

 Press play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Have you ever had a disastrous relationship before, or looked at a friend, and wondered…

Were the dark forces at play at any given emotional, traumatic moment?


Apollyon Relationships

(A lone voice ponders after a first date)

Are you my 

Morning Star

My fallen introduction

To spiritual and physical sin

A dark place 

Where I might never win


Copyright John Duffy

Reference in this case.

Apollyon. / () / noun. 

New Testament the destroyer, a name given to the Devil (Revelation 9:11)

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Beguiled

 (A lone voice whispers at 3 am)

There was always something so controversial and medieval 

About exploring semi-clothed in the dark shadows

All the deeply hidden essences of you

But I guess it's just one of the many unspoken reasons 

Why I stepped into your view

Just unconsciously attracted when you appeared 

Right out of the blue


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Manifestation Dreams


Manifestation Dreams

Are we just in a gulag
Of our own making?

Copyright John Duffy


Do we make our own prisons of the mind, we silently wallow in every day?


Slang for any prison or detention camp.

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Canto Dreams

(A weary voice whispers)

Like a slave to love

I once looked for true completeness 

But like Beatrice and Dante, 

There was always a great barrier 

Between us


Copyright John Duffy 


Does society, peer pressure, family or religion, hinder many when searching for love?

Friday, February 14, 2025



Sometimes in life

If you're really lucky, 

You meet people you truly love 

Without all the complications of physical or spiritual crucifixions

Special ones

You can never grow tired of


Copyright John Duffy


Romantic Art Oil Painting on Canvas by Portland Artist BenWill


 (A lone voice whispers)

Are you like me when selecting poetry or books to read

As they come up on your timeline or newsfeed 

For I've met some interesting people in my long life

And the most interesting ones I enjoy reading on any given night

Are those courageous ones who use the sharp knife of experience 

To write

To let go of whatever they need to purge using fonts as a testimony

In their own personal magical Fire Ceremony


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Poetry 101

 Poetry 101

(A female lawyer whispers)

Some of my narcissistic plaintiffs write for greatness 

But the most divine I serve 

Write simply for self-expression

To embrace their sacrifices

Personal experiences and inner freedoms

So my question is

Are you 


A freedom plaintiff 



A narcissistic native?


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


(A lone voice whispers, crying into a silent night as a white candle burns)

I still miss you like seeing a yellow butterfly in the rain

This new pain may be indescribable, but to me, it's palatable 

For without this indescribable pain

In time, 

I'm afraid

I'll slowly forget losing you


Copyright John Duffy 

 Image shared under fair usage policy 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Gate

(A lone voice whispers)

With reflection 

In this

The midnight hour 

I light a white candle

For the one 

Who once had me 

Under her power

Driven by loves

Powerful desires

For us,

The Almas Perdidas

(Lost Souls)

Maybe like you 


Left Be-Hinders

Who wallow and wade through griefs tiring waters

With a broken heart

After love says 


To then become new drinkers

From Depressions deep well

Praying love returns

With a ring of a lone bell

To see true love

Once more and say



Don't go away

And melt my heart


So we are now 

No longer

Torn apart

But like all pilgrims seeking God 

In their own particular way

We know the bell will never ring

We know our hearts will never heal or sing 

So we live 

In a living version of Purgatory 

Dying with each breath of decay

We take

As we watch and wait for our call

To join others

Now living beyond

Purgatory Great Gates


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Letter


The Letter 

If there ever comes a time that you'll miss me

Read this

My handwritten soft kiss

The first time we spoke was like a hot summer in winter

You melted all that icy shell around my soul 

As our higher selves whispered

To leave me lying uninjured

And as that once cold husk splintered

I knew then all my morning and night prayers had been answered after being heard

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

The Watcher

 The Watcher

(A lone voice whispers)

Someone recently said I was deep.

Is there any other way? 

Shouldn't we look through clearer eyes like inquisitive new spies?

For I'm deep as all the known oceans

Eyes covering

All I see

Like a fast flowing 


My eyes bright, 


With wonder

As my mind runs

Always creating as it


From music

And melodies 

Towards people


And books

It's all those magical 


That makes 




A silent viewer 

Standing hidden 

In the shadows 

Hiding its secret face

With no name 


The world


Its emotions 

As timelines


I bet if you're reading this, You're just the same!

A true watcher

Hiding your secret face 

With no name

Copyright John Duffy 

#poetry #life

Friday, February 7, 2025

Would you pass Osiris's Test?



I read a piece regarding Egyptian mythology recently. 

Its foundations created this piece. 

A piece of poetry to serenade your eyes before my busy schedule begins. 


Would you pass

Osiris's Test?

(A lone voice whispers)

Have you once sat

Enjoying the setting sun

Like a beautiful spring flower

But as the petals slowly 

Began to fall

As hopes 

Hit a preconceived wall

Have you seen happiness 



Its plights 

As it slowly 


Like the first King

Of Israel 

The one named


Slowly falling upon its 


Have you seen people die

Endured never-ending pain

Been fractured 

By loves emotions

But still, you rose

And walked through it all

Have you looked deep 

Within the stars

Looked deep

Within life

Faced every challenge 

Climbed every pitfall 

However, like Jesus 

In the Wilderness 

Did the Devil



With his promises

And prayers 

Spells and potions

Devil cake

And seductive undulations 

For it's within those swirling tempestuous moments of doubts 

Do we really find out what life's all about

Do we blindly follow the crowd to hell and damnation 

Or rise to find our own souls salvation

Are we at the crux of it all 


A multitude of choices

A symbolic conflagration of all our tales

Do we get weighed upon Osiris's scales

Against the feather of Ma’at

The Goddess of Order

Truth and Righteousness

To judge our ways

Do we sit in our 


Silently watching 

Strangers and actors 

In stranger surreal 

Shakespearean plays

Issuing tickets and permits 

As octaves and symphonies 

Wash over us in waves

Have you once sat

Enjoying the setting sun

Like a beautiful flower

But as the petals slowly 

Began to fall

As hopes 

Hit a preconceived wall

Have you seen happiness 



Its plights and insights

As it slowly 


Life can sometimes 

Leave you numb

As you really look 

But this life's your own

Beyond all doubts 

And fears 

You control 

What eventually 

Goes onto your scales 

In the Hall of Final Judgment

After you plead your case to the 42 divine judges

To then watch the Weighing of the Heart’ ceremony 

In that very room 

Will you pass Osiris's Test and go to the Field of Rushes

Or will Ammit the Devourer appear

To drag you pleading into the dark 

Into the bushes


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Assimilated Existence.


My early morning post relates to:

Assimilated Existence.

(A lone voice whispers)

Many of us simply without second thought, sacrifice who we are based upon peer pressure, social pressure or even political pressure.

When you were born, the world lay at your feet

Embrace that thought
Don't conform

You may lose things you deem irreplaceable,
but never lose you.

Through all the trials and tribulations,
the losses and small victories.

Be courageous.
In all that you do.

A lifetime of being a rebel to the system

Is so much better
than simply bowing down within its judgmental pews.

So constantly try to be strong enough to express your views.

And be humble enough
to understand what's new.

But utmost
Be brave enough

To just be you

Copyright John Duffy

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#inspiration #poetry #selfawareness

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Have you had a visit?


Is social media temptations new ultimate playground?

Have The Children of The Ruina, visited you or someone you know?

In the first darkness, they come.

The Children of The Ruina. (L)

(A lone voice whispers)

My soul was once taken in from the cold

To join a new fold

To then wear a small finger of yellow and gold

By a goddess who lived by the sea

Who just loved me

Like seeds love spring when they are summoned to make the land green

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen

We were as one as we strolled

As the years past

And clocks rolled

But then the Angel of Separation passed and put us to task

Sent temptation our way

To see if we would yield, fail or pass

And I'm glad to say we never swallowed its deadly pill

And even more

Love each other still

So in closing

Just know even if you're happy

There are those out there


Like the Angel of Separation

Who are jealous and will test your will

And offer you

Temptations lascivious pills

With a smile hiding a snarl

From the lost temple of Baal

So hold those you love closer than ever 

In this

The new age of those who'll put your relationships to the sword

Those not blessed 

By any known Lord

(C) Copyright John Duffy 


Ruin, fall, destruction, downfall, ruination, overthrow.

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Harvest King


With the world going through a dark phase, are there silent watchers hidden in the mists?

(A lone voice whispers)

Earth, wind, fire, sea and stone

Hear me

The King of the Autumn Harves

The burning sword sent to light the way home

Who was commanded to flood the Earth

With divine energy and hidden stardust

Before the Great Sowing of All Creation

As Starlight
Took flight

Before manifestation
Such treasures

To be gathered
And reaped

Before Winter

The Harvest Moon
Opens the doorway
To my kingdom

So I can find
My way

To bring forth
All things
Which must come

To an end

For I'm
The herald

Of the three living
Multi-dimensional cycles



All in between
Are just fragments

Like the white stag
Standing alone in the forest

Eluding hunters
Who want to be

So know this
As long shadows rise
In the East

As cast by the West

What your world
Does now
Could call my

To bring
The second cycle

Sooner than later
For the Creator

To rid the hallowed fields
Of all life's traitors

The dictators

And all those dark

For I am the bringer

The singer
Who knows
Where this world

One of Cristo'
Unspoken heroes

Hidden behind the veil
Watching in the shadows

At the necropolis
Of Osiris

At Abydos


Copyright John Duffy

Image used under fair usage policy.


Unconscious Epiphany


(A lone voice whispers)

Never succumb 

Or lose that magical quality


Which quietly whispers 

Into your dreams 

As you softly sleep

Fight with all you are 

Through all the struggles and confusion 

Life presents

To keep that beautiful magic alive 

We all desire a spark 

A real connection

An ageless understanding 

Forever aspiring 

To comprehend and blend to

A whole new direction 

Following no choices or preconceived 


Have you grown to be one of Life's dreamer’s 



Writers or poets

Are you but one of

The many


Travellers walking upon invisible 

Electric highways

Of lost unheard frequencies 


Whatever the

Listener hears

Or the readers


Can this be one of your silent mantras

Blessed be 

Come forth 

Let me 

Beguile the ears 

Or eyes 

Ride with me 

Out of this lifeless world

Let's ride through 

My Imagination 

As the bleak nights or dark days 

Forever unfurls

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Sunday, February 2, 2025



Press play.





Throughout life, family friends and people can leave a lasting impression.

Do you sometimes wish you could just hear their voice again, one more time?


Within these dark days

I try to hear their sweet voice (7)

For inside they live

(C) Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy

The Concubine


The Concubine 

(A lone female voice whispers clutching a photograph)


I stand silent and still 

Just staring up at the blazing hot sun

Is there nowhere left

For me 

To now quickly run

No retreat or temple of Salvation

After all is 

Said and done 

No matter how you preach

Or shout

I've done all of this 

For you

Lived this old life

Swam the many emotional oceans


The dark lonely wastelands 

As the passing grey clouds

Turned blue


When I stand silently still

Under the blazing sun

And close 

My deep green eyes

Even though inside

I see the shining beacon

An innovative revealing 

Of a deep inner truth

Even though 

The emotional 

Undulating oceans

Still whisper your

Still treasured name

This fate I've chosen 

To be your concubine

Numbs the fire and heat

And keeps me eternally


My time may be near 

The grey mists are parting and it's all becoming rather clear

I need to leave to start living and to

Really breathe

But I can still feel 

You just running 

Through all of my pulsating veins

For all those old ways still haunt me 


Visiting in the quiet darkness 

At three

They always remain 

Like gate crashing guests

But when 

The early morning sun rises

And I open my eyes

It burns them into tiny grey embers

Sending them up high

Into the blazing hot sun

And as I pause and bathe in its glorious undertow 

As I watch the Autumns

Golden leaves fall

And hope break through all my inner carefully

Compartmentalized walls

No matter where this new life


I really know

I'll just be ok

Because I know I'll rise

And no longer fall

No matter what


In my way

Starting from today 

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Love of a lifetime at Lafayette



I took some flowers to the cemetery and saw a man in deep conversation 

And wondered what he might be saying?

(A lone voice whispers)

I once ran for a rare taste of true love

Ran like a school boy 

As God smiled from high above

And when now I think back 

Now that I'm old 

Thinking of all 

Those times we shared together 

Sheltered from the cold


Which heralded such great poetic rhymes 

Like the sounds of our baby's small favourite toys

Which danced around and chimed 

When found

I'll always remember you


Dressed in red and blue 

In my dreams

While I dream in 

The Great-In between

My one and only queen

The most beautiful woman I've ever seen

Who once loved me 

For a short while 

In my life

The one who showed me kindness and grace within a single look

Whenever I felt strife cut deep 

With its sharp knife 

And needed Jesus's good luck

 I still see your beautiful face 

You know 

Laying on our bed on my right

Before you disappeared 

Like a moth 

Into the night

And I'll always love you 

Whenever I remember 

The one who appeared 

To love and console me 

Once in November 

On the greatest day of my life when we got married

And I finally surrendered

Goodnight my love 

My still shining light 

Who always keeps me centred 

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Have you had the Blues?