. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Guide

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Guide


The Guide

(A lone voice whispers)

What a year to be alive to see poetry still thrives

Want some new readers?

Well, I asked this once when I was institutionalised

Before in The Great In-Between 

I was baptised to be non institutionalised

So here's my advice 

Try to write immersive experiences 

For some long-lost legends whisper 

That every spirit seeks to walk in newer realms on their way to redemption 

So take your readers by the hand and like a leader 

Take them on soul tempting journeys into the unknown and mysterious 

Hold them mesmerised

Spellbound through words like ringing church bells

To keep them reading slowly like the birth of a caterpillar 

And when that red key eventually turns in their minds

To open a blue portal and enter them into a strange interdimensional place

Through the two great ancient white pillars


Ashtara and Shoka


To where smoke and fire

Day and night burns 

A spiritual place

I call The Great In-Between

A mythical experience for the curious mind


A fog filled place where pain sorrow and sin

All things seen or unseen

Like love and happiness exists 

A wild place where darkness 

Shadows selves

Corwatturea creatures


Angels and beauty 


In absolute tranquility and harmony

And you my friend 

In that subliminal moment, that red key turns

A new reader of yours is reborn

One who seeks their Drover

As their need and curiosity takes over

To move them through higher high roads and lower byroads 

Unexplored old church lanes 

Of joy and pain 

To walk them through the fire and snow storms 

To find a new mother load 

Via this underground railroad

Unspoken poetic stories to take them under like chloroform

For their souls 

After stepping into


Will have been truly transformed and renamed 

For now, they'll walk like new aged gods and goddesses 

Baptised in that smoke 

Fire and rain

To stand up strong like their newfound Drover 

And walk forward forever

Trying to stay pure and unashamed 

As their need for more

Takes over


Copyright John Duffy


The Drover by Frank Spear

Shared under fair usage policy 

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The Guide