. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Escapism

Wednesday, March 5, 2025




If you could escape this world, would you take that risk?


As if cursed by the son of perdition

As I go about my new life's mission to gain admission to her realm

With Aphrodite's dead ringer who whispers songs of exquisite rendition

Praying a lone arrow from Eros bow will strike, drawing gasps from the angels watching

High in the midnight sky 

As I breathe in her sweet aroma and passion filled scent, like pure oxygen 

And feel regal like a king

Like King Solomon 

As her aura captures my soul like a moth is attracted to a flame

So now all dark nights appear so long and so black

As the shadow people slowly advance

Whispering my name 

For they know I have been changed by someone so radical.

As I entered the Fifth Dimension one strange night 

Looking to finding a love so sacred and magical

But that's the magic of searching for the fantastical

For as sure as winds seduce trees by subtle caresses 

As the world wakes each year in a new spring and fresh life begins

I write this before I go to the Hidden Forest

Where the White Ash stands

Where green ivy hides the entrance to her lair, and other slaves play music, while chained to metal stands

With the smell of incense on patrol in the electricity filled air

Ready to invade lungs and take control

It's ten to two in the morning and I have to appear at four

So if I don't come back, I leave this for you to know I'm fine

Keep the house 

Car and money 

For I'm going to a new place where fear no longer exists 

A place I hope welcomes me in

Just pray for me that I don't 

lose my soul and become just another flesh slave 

Chained up playing music in her band

A prisoner trapped forever in her cave

As she sits or stands

On her golden throne singing with her crimson red lips

You're now mine

Now get in line

Your time will come play

For now, you're caught 

And can no longer run away

For you're now just another one of my familiars

One in a trillion 

No longer a civilian 

All this I know for a German called Schiller

Told me over the internet

Told me to come over

Told me I'd be a member of a wolf pack serving a queen in The Great In-Between 

So here I am

Pray for me 

Ma xxx

Forever yours

Your son 

Jimmie 0


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

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