. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Want to see more?

Come, the old ghost of Time  Softly says

Let's go over the rainbow

To where the 27 gang

Always plays


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Loneliness at Christmas

I once knew and loved you 

And we stuck like glue

Until the Leviathan appeared smiling

Right up from its lair

In the deep green and blue


Copyright John Duffy 

Christian theologians identified Leviathan with the demon of the deadly sin envy. 



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Need a message to carry into 2025?

Need a message to carry into 2025?

My name doesn’t matter as names

Are no longer used

My advice to you is all that counts


Whatever your gender

Race or views



Be an illumination


The world is still beautiful

Below the horizons of bleak despair


Beneath the layers of spin

Broken dreams and days


Where hearts still break

And painfully tear


For you are still all children

Of a universe of the Unseen


You all have a divine right

To still dream


But you must nurture

Your strength

In days of misfortune


Strengthen your shield

To always redeem


Your heart has always been yours

To always surrender


Its virtues and heroism's

Your own mighty defender


And in these days

Of darkness

And ever fading lights


Be a beacon within

Whoever is within

Your sight


Ignite many of the needy

As they venture

On your left or right


Inspire a new hope for them

To carry away freely

Into a new light


For it’s the only way

You’ll sleep peacefully

At night


So be it


Copyright John Duffy 

A whisper for an old mind


in this unrepentant noise of life as it seduces

Consumes and beguiles

As those magical words 

conjured from the deep crimson lips 

Of your inner mind

Reaches out to hypnotise mine

Words which once laid lost 

but now found 

In the transient music of the unknown and forlorn

How my inner light shines ever brighter

As it repeats 

your beautifully written words 

With my softly spoken voice 

Above the unrepentant noise

My skin comes alive 

like the Great Canopies 

In unexplored jungles 

In the deepest of Africa at dawn

I just dream

A continuous fantasy

Which infuses my bloodstreams and veins with copious energy

There has always been subtle moments

Throughout long-lost days 

and cold nights

When that irresistible longing

And need seemed too much

When I pined hourly 

for just a feel of your touch

Would I be abandoned like another slave

To the four winds by unrequited love

Forever burning 

Spinning endlessly 

In desires salacious red fires

Just hoping to walk within your shadows

Or sate my thirst and hunger 

With just a glimpse of you passing 

By my pale white window

I'll still look out for you there

Just to see you 

Standing by the well 

By that old apple tree

To break me free from this dark dream

As I walk, trapped in a never-ending limbo

It's where I turn to each night 

As I think of you and stare out my window

How do I reach you

Those old road maps 

and contacts are still yours to give

For they are your secrets 

you still purposely keep

Of those lands, 

Those beautiful grounds on which you still stand upon

There may be uncertainty and unexplored hordes and mountains 

To conquer between us

Grimoires of Gossip 

whispered in the dark to keep us apart

But still, I send this message out

If you are reading this

We meet now in the Astral planes of dreams, 

where we need no formal introductions

As we already know, our truly secretive god given names

In the many still alive treacheries 

Which may still surround your broken heart like 

She'ol as you traverse this world

When you feel lost and lonely 

Know my red candle still burns even through all the storms

When you feel trapped and breathlessness spins your overthinking emotions

Remember me

Thinking of you just over the world's many oceans

Standing patiently under that red old lamp post by the Red Churches wrought iron old gates

No matter how late

Maybe we'll last forever

But if I'm gone before you arrive

If you wait too long, and I eventually disappear and die

I'll leave you a red envelope 

under the white stones 

by the gate post on the left

In it is my road map

to the stars where I will now stay and reside 

and will always wait

Where I will now stand by an alabaster church and wait under its white lamp post by its sparkling wrought iron white old gates


Copyright John Duffy 


Christmas Eve

  A lone voice whispers 

Here I am

All alone again

On the eve of my birthday 

Still looking for an unspoken reason

Why life keeps deceiving

Are you all still lost in strange places

Past Golgotha 

Overflowing with mistakes

Why do some of you always hurt the ones you love

Is there no room

For give and take

Are you lost to me forever

No matter how much your heartaches

Can I just say these words

Even though

The silence grows between us

In a new world slowly devoid of prayer

Beyond the mean words

You throw

Why do some of you hurt the ones

You should love so much

When you judge


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 


The Voice of Daruda

The Voice of Daruda

(A lone voice whispers from The Great In-Between)

Many of us in here

Just wonder

Is your social media an unreported captivating habit

Do you all just now suffer from Addiction Affliction

Is that the new drug of the 21st Century

And once you've had a hit

Are you just addicted to it

Be honest

Can you really leave your phone off for a day

Or do you just return relentlessly from the real world you inhabit

Always seeking Escapism with it

It seems to us

That this is the new drug of the 21st Century

Are you but unknowing

Prisoners imprisoned in this new technological penitentiary

Just driven and magnified by new friends and information

You are constantly told you need

Is this addiction the Twentieth Century’s ungodly addictive mead

Were you taken in by but a sip or do you ration with a quick nip

Do you deem social media a captivating habit

Do you wish you could sometimes forget the real world you inhabit

But are you just sacrificing something in return

Are you forgetting to really engage in real life

Do you consciously make a choice to constantly check for updates

From social media and all its ungodly platforms

As it slowly reduces your ability to see what's really going on

Are you simply letting social engineers manipulate you

Have you stopped going out that front door and seeing just nature or someone special 

Shouldn't you all visit Mother Nature more

Embrace family and more importantly

Live life

Some Mystics say for every smile you can elicit from other

It makes the journey lighter and helps the soul recover

Mystics say to give freely

For you have also known want

Mystics in here

Say to offer hope to those in need with nothing in return

It's how your soul teaches your consciousness to learn

If you can do all or some of the above

Maybe you and humanity can learn to live in love

You might still have jealousy and greed but with hope

They will be a dwindling breed

What says you

Will you sacrifice what the social engineers say you need?


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Path of The Broken-Hearted at Christmas

(A lone voice whispers)

I can still remember
The sad day she said

She didn’t love me anymore

As she threw away my wedding ring in the pond and walked

Right outa our door
That was ten years ago or more

At Christmas 
In 2000 and four

I still see her on the streets
But no matter how fast my heart beats

I can still see and feel that lonely dark place

Where broken souls fly
When their hearts are truly broken

And inside
They always quietly cry

She’s asked me many times to take her back

She’ll love me more this time
This time it will be different

But all I see when I look her over

Is Jack

Running his hands through her hair and kissing
Her soft red lips

I maybe broken
Cut deep with a sharp blade forever
But will I go back to her


I’ll just keep walking the path
The brokenhearted take

And maybe I’ll find someone truly special this year 
To love all of me and help

To take away this god awful ache

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Foundation of the piece.

Christmas is not all joyful salutations for everyone.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas

 Merry Christmas if you happen to see these words.


Twas the night before Christmas

When good people 

Put up green trees 

To try to still believe 

There is goodness in the world and it begins 

On the stroke of midnight 

On Christmas Eve

So here's to you

My friends and spiritual kin

Have a Merry Christmas 

And indulge 

In happiness with whatever Saint Nicholas

Brings us

With a bit

Of festive sin


Copyright John Duffy 

The Invitation


The Invitation

(A seductive voice whispers as incense fills the air)

Sat within here
A discarded loop in time and space

Within this room

I see you all in the distance
Shimmering through

Like bright pink desert mirages

In your living tombs

Stood alone
In my magical circle of no rehearsals

Chanting Yaruba tribes
Ancient magical rites

Summoning up the populous of Godhead

So I the shaman can call to you

“When the living ground eats the breathing Sun, I will open the secret doors to take you home.

For eating and tasting words like a new, Grace Dent, at Lent, isn't for you.

Just write this down and burn it in the back garden on a piece of paper.

I'm ready,
Come and take me to the secret amphitheatre

Where the voices of the Serpent

The Beast
And God take to its stage

To showcase who they've taken home and played.”

To then write out your own name in the ruined temples books

Before you line up to watch

Before they return
And choose
Before you are took

And I'll call within a heartbeat

To take you East
To meet

Either God or the Beast

Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Midnight Hunters from The Black and Blue Lodge


The Midnight Hunters from The Black and Blue Lodge 

(A sad lone voice whispers)

My old love 

Loved shaking her crow blacked hair 

As old daydreams tumbled around her

Like autumn leaves in the air 

On any given day or night 

Dreams of divinity

Of God and light 

Like the first thing you see when you close your eyes at night

Temporal spaces filled with familiar faces

Crooning like nameless mockingbirds

Under a watchful moon

Dreams of us as a pair

Regale my eyes with surreal memories of us

Everywhere I now look since God closed that Crimson Book 

Us entwined at sea 

Surrounded by floating red roses as seagulls watched

Laughing like playful innocent school children

Free from all fears and good behaviour

But now the

Ancient Ones have called at midnight to remind me

“Those who once laid entwined in their sea as their seagulls watched 

Will soon get a visit 

From The Midnight Hunters from The Black and Blue Lodge”


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Did love break you?