. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Shadow Queen

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Shadow Queen


Press play before you read. Salute.

(A lone voice sings so low)

Tis but a dream to dream the dream

Tis but a dream to see the Shadow Queen

Tis but a dream to hold her hand

Tis but a dream to dance entwined

On black and white dance floors

With the marching
New Orleans bands

Tis but a dream
I deep dream at midnight

When I pray when there is no light

And she comes knocking on my Astral Doors

At the edges of where my mind sleeps

And whispers in the Encroaching shadows
As she says

Let me in
It's me

The bringer of so many luscious sins and dazzling enchanting silver-coloured dreams

Let me in from the cold of The Great In-Between

So all our unexplored fun
Can begin

As you worship me
The Shadow Queen

Copyright John Duffy

(Image shared with fair usage policy. No claim to image)

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