. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Do You Know, You're Just Seminal?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Do You Know, You're Just Seminal?

(A lone voice whispers)

You do realise don't you

That you're the end product of all you see and do

All big or small seminal events  

From childhood to adulthood

Happy or intense





Social media  







The list could go on and possibly could never end

Passages from your favourite well-read trusted books

Well-loved soul-rousing song lyrics that once sent you into crazy hysterics  

Not caring who looked

All enhanced by those quiet exchanges with trusted partners in crime  

At some spontaneous  time 

Or at a random location 

At way past midnight or perhaps some local cafe in daylight

All this and so much more 

Are simply the very foundations upon which your film called

The Documentary of The Soul is custom-built

Its archives filled to the hilt with adventures 

Good or bad 

All those well-kept secrets

Hidden moments may be filled with regrets or guilt

Captured for all eternity to be shared 

When from your mortal body 

Your soul undergoes its last seminal event on earth

And it's eventually set free

For us all to see 

And to become a new version of itself 

As it opens the door to the Great In-Between

With its own Astral Key

You still have time you know to build a Hollywood show

Do more

Be more

Give more

Take chances

Why not

Don't be like Marvin 

When we watched his film in the Great Red Room

All he did was work 7 days a week

No holidays

No love

Friends or adventurous stories

Showing him in his prime and all his glory

He said he wished he knew then what he knows now

Don't live to work

Work to live the best life you can

Create as many great Seminal Events as you can!

Make that your life-only master plan

Copyright John Duffy

For the curious minds

Seminal is defined as some discovery or event that strongly influenced what came after. 


Image shared under fair usage policy. 

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