. Poetry from The Great In-Between: If Literature was a person

Monday, October 4, 2021

If Literature was a person

If Literature was a person 

 I had a rather intriguing conversation today.

A fascinating conversation about the power of pure seduction through the deep love of reading, and engaging words.

Based on these lines below. 

It's a tad risque.

"Seduce my mind and you can have my body.

Find my soul and I’m yours forever."

I created this piece as a beguiling monologue as I mused.

Have a wonderful week all.

If Literature was a person 

(A lone seductive voice whispers)

Let me bind you to me forever

With lascivious dark words

As your soul salivates and in submissive anticipation

Kneels at one of my many leatherbound altarpieces and weeps for a glorious release

Let me devour your eager eyes with wild unconditional excitement

As your higher-self 

Suddenly wakes from its mundane repetitive  sleep

Let me take you so damn deep

To visit new apocalyptic wet shores as you sit by your minds window seat

To admire my feats of unexplored crimson heat

And let my hidden fingers 

Trace desirable pagan pictures of intimate unions

Across your succulent exposed limbic system

Before I bend down to eat

Let me regale you with all those deep mystifying soul-defining thoughts

You know the ones I mean 

Those secret ones your heart whispers to keep locked up

Under strict lock and key

High up in your minds watchtower

Forever confined 

For my written or spoken words bring such mesmerising power

Just awaiting a liberated mind like yours

A mind willingly to sacrifice everything they once knew

Even their precious worldview 

To then be gently or vigorously

In silence 

As they use their profound imagination

To explore some of my newer or older verbs

With me standing in the grey shadows

Praying they'll be embraced as they are duly worshipped

Whenever they are encountered and found

Helping you and so many others 

To perhaps blowdown that tragic house of cards

Built over the many passing years now holding in tightly

All your most profound sorrowful experiences and fears

So yes 
So here's the question of all questions 

It's that magical line I just love to say to all those 

Who have gotten this far because they need this to know

Will you let me run my evocative and visceral fingertips

Slowly and tentatively across your minds sweet silky curves

As they are slowly dominated

Leading to newer  experiences as they  mounted

Have you got the courage and nerve

My newest friend 

Who I hope and pray will cherish my worlds of beguiling words

Until the very end

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy. No claim to the image.

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