. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Spellbound

Monday, October 4, 2021


Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

You stand out in any given room

You suddenly choose to appear in

Unbounded and unapologetic 

Always wearing stunning yellow

As your dark eyes whisper of something so erotically tangible and electric

Yet deceptively mischievous but always so dammed deliciously salacious

A soul I could only dream to swallow

Your luscious eyes glisten with a wild shimmer of Dante's nine spheres of Heaven

In a mesmerising all-consuming reflection of Paradiso

An explicit tapestry of love that moves the sun and all the stars

Tempting me to always say Yes and send to the slaughterhouse

Her twin brother called No

It's such a hypnotic spell filled with dark strands of hypersexual temptations

I cannot deny

A trip to a layer cake of such rich exquisite opulent exotic tastes

This audit of plaudits is for you

Goddess of the Dark Skies whose powers to lay waste

Beckon forth strangers to alluring welcoming gates

Heralding unknown conquests entwined around a thirst

They can then never ever sate

A place where lost souls wallow and whisper calling for soulmates

As they journey blindly but knowingly to die

A seasoning of Aphrodite's glory they all implore

As they line up adoringly with the meek

Seeking a seat at her so engaging table

A place they'd all run to if summoned

Willingly and able

Just to feel her touch and suffer her reach if only for a day

From this matrix's dichotomy of ever-spinning broken dreams

They pray daily to breach

So they too like me, can begin

Newly baptised by augmented emotions to preach

Copyright John Duffy

  #lust #seduction  #passion #emotions    

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