. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Seth speaks. Will you listen?

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Seth speaks. Will you listen?


A lone voice has just whispered from The Great In-Between. 

Was I just hallucinating

As I fluctuated between sleeping and waking in the hypnopompic deep state?

Seth Speaks

Did you know the region you finally exist in after you succumb to this world

Is but just a manifestation of all your internal opinions

Or much revered or dispised beliefs of this life 

Regardless if you're single or have even been a good or bad husband or wife

The black gates of Hell are built just under the silvery gates of Heaven 

And but locked from the inside my friend

I know you're there silently reading this for I'm standing beside you

Just hidden in the mists

Especially on this night 

I've seen it all with my own eyes when I look back 

From so long long ago as I remember when I too once died

And I locked myself in due to my deep sins of lust gluttony and pride

What you believe intensely in this life and cling onto 

Will always manifest and haunt your spirituality 

Until you ask for help so your spirit guides

Can counsel and encourage you to find freedom by pointing you towards the light

They are sent by the Almighty 

From the day that you're born you know

Tasked to try to always help you find liberation 

From all those secretive burdens and heavy chains 

That you might still carry and to try to stem that endless flow of tears you may have cried 

From enduring physical or emotional pain that can never be mentioned or named

Wherever you end up or go

Well, it seems I've overstepped my mark and spoken too much 

And I must now say goodbye 

We'll meet again so don't worry

Just call for me by name if everything seems suddenly cold and dark

If you appear to end up in a Hell of your own making and not Heaven

When you too eventually die

Just say

Seth, come help me find salvation

So I can also be blessed and when I too finally hear those golden bells ring

I can get my angel wings to help me and others to freedom fly 

To forever sing and guide

Copyright John Duffy 

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