. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Tale of The Oath Sayer

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Tale of The Oath Sayer

(A lone voice whispers)

I wish I could show you such magnificent things 


I've seen

Here in 

The Great In-Between 


You have never witnessed before

But I'd have to go back on my pledge 

A covenant

Made when I stood between twin guards 

Perched on a high ledge 

When I walked through a dark door

A sacred contract 

So sacrosanct 

That even to say the terms of the Vow 

Would rupture this 

Version of Now

For ultimate security is so rare

Yet when that pledge is made 

As Brother Sun 


Sealing lips 

With wax from lit candle sticks

Arianrhod Goddess of the Moon and Stars 

Lady Silver- Wheel 


All that feel 

To kneel 

In her mystical fields 

Of burning lanterns 

Filled with yellow kerosene 

To be exalted by her exquisite gifts 

Porque benditos son aquellos

quien se aventura

De buena gana

en las tierras oscuras

de aventura


(For blessed are those 

Who venture 


Into The Darklands 

Of Adventure)


For in those lands of fables and spectacular dreams



Young old 

Or fair 

In here 

The Great In-Between

With sacred oath took 

Carry her green and blue leather passport 

Stamped with 

Consort and Follower of The Great Silver-Wheel High Court

To anybody 

And everywhere 

And its why 

I'm reading this to you 

Using your voice 

For us 

Oath Sayers 

Can cross all boundaries 

Without permission 

Or noise 

Trying to tempt those 


To make the same choice 

Just whisper 

3 times 


Goddess of the Moon and Stars 

Lady Silver- Wheel 

I pledge my allegiance 

Forever to you 

When I enter 

The Great In-Between 

So mote it be 

And soon 

You'll join me 

To see the incredible things 

I've seen

Just you wait and see


Copyright John Duffy 

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