. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Voice at Easter Speaking Through Time

Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Voice at Easter Speaking Through Time

Press play before you read

Happy Easter. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

If only we had understood the justifications

I wouldn't be composing these stanzas here in old Jerusalem

If only we had realized all those painful tragic answers to come

We would have stopped them from happening 

And took no chances at the very beginning 


If only we knew this day filled with darkness would be returning

We would have tried to stop it before our hearts started burning

But we never saw it coming and never disputed your stories saying so

Of which there was plenty

We believed we were to be together forever

To walk hand in hand in all weathers

We never felt deserted even though it felt you were always away 

Praying or preaching 

But in the process of living

Our hearts gave up and cried

When nailed on that wooden cross before us

All the hopes of forgiveness and absolution 

Just looked us in the eyes


Stopped breathing and quietly died

As we placed you in the tomb with Joseph and rolled forth that heavy stone

It felt to some as though we'd never met 

As they wept

But to us who really knew you

Our hearts could never forget

And as I watched some cry and express hate for our Lord's fate 

I too despised what I'd become

I wished I'd had found more time to be with you

To learn more 

All sad tokens of introspection as I laid you in that tomb

I thought like many others

You were taken from us and sent so far away

But the rumors circulating say you've risen

Oh, how happy we all are that you've escaped death's cold prison 

We all remembered when you said you wouldn't leave

That if in me, you do believe 

And if we didn't 

What would this world be like 

If you wouldn't in our hearts still be living

Well, that's now all in the past as we gather here on this beautiful Sunday

To pray in these moments for the forgiveness of all our earthly sins 

In this hidden backroom here in Jerusalem

To fall in love with Faith once more 

Now you've risen from the tomb

A dark place where we left you a few days ago 

To lay all alone

We can only pray the world of the future see the truth

For to truly believe you don't need any proof

For faith is a delicate thing

Don't just look for it in well-written books or scripture

Don't look for it at night or during the day

Don't let it weep and recede or wither and just walk away 

Just believe in something greater

It's how he'll find you and reintroduce you to your maker

For as Nicodemus was once asked.

"How can a man be born when he is old?"

"Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"

You answered, 

"I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit."

So to all you readers who may read this in the near future

Just listen for the Almighty's great voice and with faith in something greater

You'll know in your heart it's him 

If you're just open to hearing it

After praying and then whispering 


Copyright John Duffy 

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