. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Constantine's letter to Justine

Monday, May 8, 2023

Constantine's letter to Justine

I knew you 


You know 

Followed you 


Into life's 

Blistering snow 

From Galilee 

All the way 

Right up to the blue sea 

Where the Lords waters 


But then you tragically 

Left me

Called Home 


By Father Death 

As if it was preordained,

So here I sit all alone 

Lost in the early falling 

Morning rain

With no one to call or 

Visit as a guest 

But life and liberty 

Go hand in hand 

So I guess I'll wait until I see you 


To share my favorite life stories 

Filled with wild myths and old conquered glories

When the Good Lord finally decides to 

Deliver me 

From here 

The AvÄ«ci Hell 

The cruelest of all the Purgatories 

So good night 

My old love 


Until then 


Blessed be 


Look after yourself 



Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared via Pinterest.

(After emails regarding viewers needing more supernatural monologues. Here's one whispered on a rainy Bank Holiday. Salute.)

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