. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Diary Letter of Billy Goldstein

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Diary Letter of Billy Goldstein


(A lone voice whispers)

Like a The Diary Letter of Billy Goldstein  letter sent to 

To Kill a Mockingbird 

Reminding me 

Of a paranoid 

Holden Caulfield 

Narrating his sad life away 

In the legendary 

Catcher in the Rye 

I turned left and 

Wandered home  

Feeling lost 

Like a reformed 

Billy Pilgrim 

After my saying my painful goodbyes 

To a version of surviving Schlachthof-fünf 

Or in English

Slaughterhouse 5

After love and heartbreak 

Bombarded me 

With waves of pain 

Singing relentlessly like

The Bee Gees 


Staying Alive

I bought lily-white flowers 

In the early morning rain 

For my new version of Jane Gallagher 

On the way 

To her home 

On Fifth and Main

Nancy Brossard 

The nurse 

Who helped pull me out 

Of Depression's tight grip 

At Oregon State Hospital 

With deep talks 

As we walked 

Around its bleak backyards

Where I fought the head 

Of its ward and state

An authoritarian 

Who strutted about like 

Nurse Mildred Ratched

I picked her favorites 

Of course

Something real fancy 

Nothing cheap 

From the necropolis 

Of green and golden leaves 

Down the street 

From a florist

called Fahrenheit Four 

But when a familiar stranger 

Met me at its blue doors

As I looked in the silver mirror 

Someone who looked like me 

Calling himself 

The stranger who sleeps within 

Something sinister

Made me shiver 

When he said

"Nice flowers 

Real Fancy

Are they for our Nancy?"

Thinking inwardly 

Was Reality giving me its first of many humanitarian lessons 

As I fled 

Like an anxious 

Stuttering Billy Bibbit

For me to worship a new form of love 

Reminiscent like

That imaginary beast 

In the Lord of the Flies 

Before I too spiraled out of control and died 

Was it beyond my remit 


I looked to the skies

And pitifully cried 

Who would save my soul now


Copyright John Duffy 

Incorporating banned books into a poem. So much fun. Salute.

Can you spot them?

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