. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Prayer of Galileo

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Prayer of Galileo

 (A lone figure kneels by candlelight at midnight. And as inquisitive Fireflies watch. Prays to the dark rolling clouds.)

Bound in Golden Fire 

Bound by Secret Names

Bound in profound happiness 

And torment and pain 

To remain but apart


In this lifetime 


Bound by the Almighty Pen 

To make it through 

Days like this 

When the sun's in sight 

Praying time we shared 

In bliss 

At midnight

With a loving kiss 

Will last 


Like a burning flame

In the longest of dark nights 

In memories 

We shared 

When we were brave 

And didn't care


Bound in fire 

Bound in name 

Bound to all things 

In between 

One day 

Bound back 

By a power unseen 

I pray

God will bless us 

And reunite us 




Copyright John Duffy 

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