. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Lady who whispers in the Darkness. In 2023.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Lady who whispers in the Darkness. In 2023.


Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers) 

As I look through my black scrying mirror in 2023

People seem to smile

Share a picture or two and the internet loves you

But cry for help 

And they'll nearly all ignore you except for a beautiful few

Who'll weep inside in sorrow but never show

As they try to help you with kindness

To try to get through the gift of a new tomorrow

In 2023

The Lifting of the Veil

A new cosmic timeline where old secrets 

Once carefully hidden are revealed

For the Mayans always knew we would be entering the age of Aquarius 

A time of enlightenment and beginning our long journey back home to here

The ever-glowing Sun  

I see 

Share your success and they'll all run to gather 

Like pagan worshippers

Dancing round huge burning circles 

To sing songs filled with praise

But if they were pressed

To truly confess

They would probably admit they pray to live to see you fail

In 2023

The happy seem everywhere my tired old eyes can see

Creating their own universes

Using social media to hypnotize people with their worldviews 

But if carefully reviewed

It's a sad sham 

Many if pushed

Could see through

In 2023

Why do the sad and old sit lonely in brick castles

Singing silently with tired eyes to green hills 

To cherished memories that will never answer as they eat endless pills

Remembering times when they were one of life's energetic chancers

But now just wait for Death

To line up as he approaches 

And says as they take their last breath

''Shall we dance so you can be one of my endless dancers''

In 2023

Does true love still live on in all its crimson glory 

Amongst all those who just seek a taste of your pleasure 

As they pursue you like a Mid-Summers Nights Story

Using it like a dangerous game to renew

In 2023

Do friends surround you like the friendly Sentinels in here 

Who live in the North in Debak

But behind your back

Feast as your pain starts to rain

As I speak to you from in here

The Great In-Between

There is still plenty of room in Heaven  

Archangel Micheal told us so

So we all in Sheol wait to ascend too 

Waiting for his beautiful call so we can go

But one by one 

One by one

You and us all must queue through the narrow aisles of living

Us remembering and you doing the giving

Praying we'll all be eventually forgiven by the Almighty 

Who once gave us a bright light to carry into the world to share

With us deciding on its boundaries and conditions 

My name was Mary

From Carolina 

Remember me

As I await my extradition 


Copyright John Duffy.

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

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