. Poetry from The Great In-Between: A Sunday Voice Whispers

Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Sunday Voice Whispers


Even though

The night is mine

Like the doe

Who hides behind 

The bushes in the nighttime

Every breath you take

Every step you make

Even if the moon no longer rises

Or the sun goes out

I will be at your side

If you lose hope

With nothing left to cope

I will be at your side

If your life seems empty

Whilst others seem to have plenty

Pray to me to appear

To wipe away those tears

For I will be at your side

If you need space and time 

To clear your mind

If you need to feel pain

To be reborn again

I will be at your side

If Fate brings you SAD gifts 

Like seasonal affective disorders

From all known states

Or borders

Or people filled with and preaching hate

Call to me

And I will be at your side

For your life is but a brief whisper 

A quick ride in my Ether

A tiny dot on my ethereal map

A made-up wheel

Created by the Babylonians and Egyptians

That can steal 

All you feel

So know

Your life was never made to live alone

Driven by a ticking wheel

Call to me 

To atone

And I will be at your side

In a flash 

Before your world turns to ash

So my Keeper of the Sacred Keys


Can welcome you home

When you're due

To a wonderful land 

Where you're never alone 

But with all your family and beloved friends

Free spirits 

While all animals roam

Remember to call to me

So I can be at your side

If only for a short while

I'm sure you know my name

For I'm also a child

A son of a God sent to guide

All things in his Ether 

Which collide 

Even the sinful

Who has lied

But more so 

For those 

Whose souls have cried

Call to me

For faith in something greater

 Always provides

For I will always try

To be by your side


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

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