. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Lost Love Reborn

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lost Love Reborn

Does emotional poetry

whistle a song your emotions slow dance to?

My Saturday post.



Lost Love Reborn

(A lone voice whispers)

I can only hope you answer so eloquently

as I patiently wait

With bated breath

For answers to my deep-seated questions

Once asked in my dark shaded sleep

For your old messages and beloved memories

are still in my old seahorse-shaped


My old faithful 


To shoot irreplaceable bullets of us 

To help dispel the oncoming darkness

And our softly whispered wishes

Are still my alabaster white altar

I kneel nightly to pray upon

And weep 

What tomorrow holds as it slowly unfolds 

As Barred Owls

Hidden in trees 



And Northern Mockingbirds

Ritual early morning songs are sung

By unseen omnipotent pagan Old Gods 

Who deem themes to be our preordained fates

Just know I will always wait 

By the Red Churches wrought iron old gates

Where I now belong 

For even 

Fairy tales coming true seem so distant

And out of reach 

Only to be found on King Aeetes of Colchis


Like by those on a mythical quest like Greek heroes

I know 

Your heart may have been broken

As it once lovingly swallowed

Loves enchanting red potions

The questions I ask 

Are simply these

Can we stay together in this quiet moment

As we grieve

For lonely souls like us

That have walked through loves red mists 

From dawn

To dusk

And now lay filled with disappointments and distrust 

Can we once again be reinvigorated

To once more explore knee-deep into the quagmires 

Of deep uncertainty

Illuminated by the flames of Aphrodisiac's red fire

And still take all the risks that may come

Even though others may question our choices and dark desires

Is there hidden 

In those seconds minutes and hours

Weeks and months and even years

A piece of opaque respite full of inspired prose and overwhelming wet invisible tears

In the quest for an endless red kiss

Is this montage but a sensuously crafted piece

To create a brief emotional distraction

To elicit vibrations

Of a mysterious place

Where lost souls meet

Under a poetic umbrella 

In peace

Societies invisible souls who now

No one will miss

In the mythical red room 

Featured with a blazing fire

Red wine and white candles 

That await two

To start conversations of introduction 


As winds of a previous lost existence 

Swirls and the eyes of jealous

Stay hidden

Forbidden in

Carefully camouflaged red mists

Does your silkened mind still crave some of my thoughts of the divine

If answers within your indulgent mind still seeks more and whispers 


Then read these poignant words when you are weak

For I can confess 

With candid heart

And willing soul until the day when I eventually disappear 

And we are truly


When I grow old

That I desire to know those answers

Be they sung

In love songs

New letters

Or handwritten stanzas

Your soulmate


The eternal chancer


John Duffy 

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