. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Monologue of the Lost Soul

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Monologue of the Lost Soul

EThe Monologue of The Lost Soul


A middle aged man.


Surrounded by photo albums.

And cobwebs.

Kneels in front of an aging shrine to his dearly departed wife.

At midnight.

And prays 

(A lone voice whispers)

O Lord

King of all Spirits and Fates

Why do I 

With sleepless eyes

Still seek a love that's died

Am I a foe

Seeking forgiveness 

In lullabies 

In knee-worship prayers

With a broken heart of catacombs

Where fear lives

Now it has found its


As I once reached out

To the Ether

And cried

When she crossed over

To the Otherside

With sullen eyes

Am I cursed to never sleep

To never again know 

To treat or feel her

My sin eater and preacher

As demons and angels From past delights

Like Demeter and the old Unwashed Redeemer 

Walk past 

Like pale shadows

In endless nights

And smile

When sleep 

I do fight

On Monarch 


And King of all that's Right

Pray for me 

Go that extra mile

And open a window 

So I can reach her

In sleep


To see her

My teacher

My speaker

And who like


Was a true believer 

Who now lives within

Your kingdom 

As she's found holy freedom 

Pray we can wander hand in hand

In The Great Underground Stream

As I dream


In a new

Garden of Eden 



 I'm so useless


Copyright John Duffy 


Images shared under fair usage policy.

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