. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Do you lucid dream?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Do you lucid dream?

 Press Play 

The Oneironaut

A person who explores dream worlds, usually associated with lucid dreams?

Do you lucid dream?

(A lone voice whispers)

Through the blue portal of slumber

Into the Abyss of Dreams

I've wondered 

To live in one of my other lives without number

To see strange people

Hear new music

And all things as they come into sight

I've seen angels and demons

Felt love a light

Prayed for daybreak as darkness shrieked 

Into the long night

Walked in knee high rivers of madness 

Watched grey skies filled with rolling purple clouds of sadness

Rain on empty cities 


I've flown

High up into the skies

Seen people once dead


As when I last saw them

When to life

They were wed

With its illuminated flame

Seen the Dark Schism 

Where the darkness hides and rolls its dice 

As it takes aim

At the profane 

Unfathomable things with no name

Sat with lines of people

And talked into the night about the need for spirit cleansing

And to keep


As your souls only goal and transformation 

Heard whispers and cries


Like thunder 

In lightning filled skies

Ran through wild forest

Chased by Sisters of the Grove

For they knew I lived

So left their Cove

Found love in the arms of a lady I once knew

But now cut through

Like dead branches 

It's a place I adore

When I appear

And always pray to go to

I've drunk deep from Pandora's fountain 

Tasted raw pain 

As I stood in gigantic mountains in never-ending rain

Walked with Kings


Queens and normal folk

Been a leader

And the class fool

The village joke

And when morning calls

As I'm summoned to walk

The smoke filled tapestried 


Of Morpheus the Greek

Who watches

Hanging like a painting on the yellow and alabaster walls

I try to recall all I've seen

While visiting 

The Great In-Between

The sounds

The people

Walking its grounds

Then I remember 

In 24 hours

I return again

To the smoke filled Vista

Filled with people and things that may have once lived

Or existed 

And step back through the veil of the Blue Portal

To once more live again

24 hours 

Of being mortal


Copyright John Duffy 


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