. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Wastelands of Shibboleth.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Wastelands of Shibboleth.

 Foundation of the piece:

Do those we lose, watch and wait?

What do you think?


The Wastelands of Shibboleth. 

(A lone voice whispers)

These nights are so long 

Now that I've crossed this dark sea with the child of Erebus


The Coming Home


To a land undreamed of

But I sometimes 


Do you still miss me

My only love

Now that we're both free

For I'll still love you 

As long as The Hurrian Hymn is played 

Even as long 

As heartfelt prayers are made

To the peaks of the highest snow-covered mountains 

And into the deep depths

Of Agartha 

Hidden Fountains

My soul may be unreachable

And out of sight

Every night

Brought about by our Lord and Grace

By always remember 

I'm here

Just waiting in a pristine white room

In a unique place


Through my obsidian scrying glass

I can still see 

Your beautiful face

By sun and moon

Rain or shine

Fire or candlelight

To love you

Is all I now have 

To carry me through these endless nights

In these Barren Lands

To remind me

You were once mine

An even though

I've taken my last breath

When Deaths Messenger

Charon called

I'll still love you through all the tragedies


Thane of Glamis

Loved his Lady Macbeth 

For sometimes faith in love 

Is all you can use

When you have nothing left 

To lose

So when God

Bade me take my last breath

With a wave of his hand

Like Nero of Rome

So I could hear the child of Erebus


The Coming Home


I made his messenger

Titan promise

I shall see you better

Even after death

When you join me here

In Shibboleth

The Wastelands 

Filled with those

No longer wearing flesh 


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Music shared through Cap Cut

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