. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Mage

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Mage


(A lone voice whispers)

Above all, like a form of intriguing divine magic

Vibrate in a form of insubordination, and write

Express anything 

From good to tragic 

Try to be an inspired instrument of grassroots resistance 

To help others recover their power

For are you not a poet, writing about your experiences of walking, 

The dark parapets and sun filled staircases 

Of the Universes, many castles, and towers

Don't you want to be a part of one of the most avant-garde written movements in history 

To flow down through Times, many fast-flowing rivers

With millions of other white paper boats 

Symbolizing poetry 

To be a burning sage on someone's minds door 

To help them begin, the ancient cleansing ritual of purification 

They might need

When they look into your soul's mirror


Copyright John Duffy 

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