. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Philosopher

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The Philosopher

(A lone voice whispers)

In 2024

It's good to see someone who still loves that mysterious thing called poetry

For like astrology

Reading or being consumed by it can help reveal answers 

We all might silently yearn for to help us through personal disasters 

A chance to embrace the fluctuations we endure daily 

With people or situations as we walk out of our door

And even more so 

Pay homage to those experiences as we explore and grow

On this planet, we live on

It's great to see the intricate 

The visceral

Sensuous and ravenous themes 

Used to lay works by followers upon its altars

As they bare their souls

Their sacredness 

For to do so

In the stillness of day or night

I know they too will feel the tranquility and shades of holiness of being alive 

In a wild world of living broken things

The never-ending opportunities for showcasing their insights using social media 

As a bridge

A sort of PDF file

The transformation and attachment to the Seen 

The Unseen and creating connection points

Like a docking way station

For travellers to be able to pause and look within a carefully created abyss 

As they look back and reminisce

For with you the writer 

It might help bring peace to those seeking a light 

From that which burns in your candleholder

As you let that poetic lantern go

And for you, the listener who reads on 

Throughout the four seasons, 

For whatever reason

It can help summon emancipation through liberation 

The beholder of all things good

As they stand

Shoulder to shoulder 

As you get older

Trying to find freedom under the rising sun

From the servitude of seeking to be always good in all things

As well as avoiding the temptation and bondage of evil

For a gilded chain 

A golden chain is as much a chain as an iron one


Copyright John Duffy 


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