. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Red Gallows

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Red Gallows


The Red Gallows

(A rebuilt person whispers)

Before I knew Love

I was once so pure

With a heart so free

Carefree for all to see

Everyone loved and smiled at me

But one day Love came calling 

And offered me the chance to take a risk 

Offered me her spiritual red gallows with rope and chair

Smiled and said 

Climb up there

Put on the rope and stand on chair

But beware 

With just one soft push

From something unknown in the shadows

You could lose all your mind

And all you own

Standing on my metaphorical chair 

Beneath my spiritual red gallows

Like many before you

What do you want to do?

Risk all for my love

And climb up

To experience a feeling where emotions don't stop

Or stay down there, 

Stuck in your rut

Well, that was so long ago

And I still see Love

Everywhere I go

Repeating what she said before

But this time 

I'd rather stay slightly pure

With a heartbreaking free

Trying to be carefree for all to see

For even though Love still smiles at me

She can keep her red spiritual gallows and metaphorical chair

For sometimes she tempts 

Only fools 

To proudly 

Stand up there


Copyright John Duffy 


Do the broken abandon the chance of love again, after going through a painful heartbreak?

Has it happened to you?

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The Red Gallows