. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Want to know something true

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Want to know something true


I write about many themes. Light and dark.

After a recent post regarding using a dark word, which I won't mention, but in the bible it's a gigantic dragon starting with L.

I needed a word to rhyme with candelabra, so elected for abracadabra.

Unknown to me, a summoning word used in real life magic

At around 2 to 4 am I entered a lucid state and a white flickering light appeared

Darkness chilled my bones and I was paralyzed 

An evil presence filled my view

A strange face flickered into existence 

Scared I prayed 

Speaking these words

In the name of God 


After the third repetition 

A bright light appeared with wings like an angel and made the entity go

It looked female, but the light was white and flickering, and I couldn't make out its glorious face 

The atmosphere changed, and I woke


Did an angel save me

Was it real

Well, I astral travel every night, so I know that dimension. 

It was as vivid as you're reading this

Trust in the power of prayer

Hopefully, it will save you too, as it saved me

Sending love and light

Your wanderer in The Great In-Between 


John Duffy

P. S

My beloved mum was a psychic and it's probably why I have a gift 

I've been in 6 serious car crashes

Been electrocuted 

Had a near-death experience 

I have been in the tunnel of light

Walked the smoke-filled surface at the top of the golden tunnel of light as I died

Seen ghosts

Watched a witch doctor in a seance 

And many more unbelievable things to the normal person 

It's why I traverse such bizarre themes

Expressions like whispers 

Enter my mind


A lone voice whispers

Abracadabra and

Thanks for reading

May the power of love and light keep you safe and those you love at peace

I now release you

Copyright John Duffy 

Good night 

(The picture represents my self image as I astral travel. 

Other realms exist. 

Sometimes, it feels as if in some places, people are waiting for my return. 

I've been chased.


Destroyed demons with fire

Jumped miles in a leap

And created storms and force fields

Who said the power of our inner self isn't real

Did you know your unconscious mind works even harder when you sleep


Where do you think it takes you

To a field to count sheep or to other realities 

I believe when you astral travel

You possess other versions of you in other realities 

But have powers for you are the original you

If you know how to conjure them

Who knows

I may visit you tonight

Call me

I'll be wearing a white flower pinned to my shawl dressed as above


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