. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Seth speaks. Will you listen?


A lone voice has just whispered from The Great In-Between. 

Was I just hallucinating

As I fluctuated between sleeping and waking in the hypnopompic deep state?

Seth Speaks

Did you know the region you finally exist in after you succumb to this world

Is but just a manifestation of all your internal opinions

Or much revered or dispised beliefs of this life 

Regardless if you're single or have even been a good or bad husband or wife

The black gates of Hell are built just under the silvery gates of Heaven 

And but locked from the inside my friend

I know you're there silently reading this for I'm standing beside you

Just hidden in the mists

Especially on this night 

I've seen it all with my own eyes when I look back 

From so long long ago as I remember when I too once died

And I locked myself in due to my deep sins of lust gluttony and pride

What you believe intensely in this life and cling onto 

Will always manifest and haunt your spirituality 

Until you ask for help so your spirit guides

Can counsel and encourage you to find freedom by pointing you towards the light

They are sent by the Almighty 

From the day that you're born you know

Tasked to try to always help you find liberation 

From all those secretive burdens and heavy chains 

That you might still carry and to try to stem that endless flow of tears you may have cried 

From enduring physical or emotional pain that can never be mentioned or named

Wherever you end up or go

Well, it seems I've overstepped my mark and spoken too much 

And I must now say goodbye 

We'll meet again so don't worry

Just call for me by name if everything seems suddenly cold and dark

If you appear to end up in a Hell of your own making and not Heaven

When you too eventually die

Just say

Seth, come help me find salvation

So I can also be blessed and when I too finally hear those golden bells ring

I can get my angel wings to help me and others to freedom fly 

To forever sing and guide

Copyright John Duffy 

The voice of Raphael


Press play and let the emotional music wash over you as you read. Salute. 

(A lone voice whispers)

I'm a hidden mercenary

An angel 

A bringer of the 

Purple Flame

Often seen 

As a young man

Carrying a staff

But I'm just 

A tollkeeper 

And opener of occult doorways 

To secretive places from 

The Great In-Between 

Held in the 

Great Pagan 


Of so many strange


One of the ancient inhabitants 

Forever reborn 

An original citizen

of a lost faraway world 

A holy city

Beyond the Great Veil

The Gatekeeper is just my magical occult sigil

Say my invocation spell three times 

And I'll appear 

To help you materialise those dark dreams of love

Or wealth 

You hold dear

It's that simple

O' Ancient One

Great Gatekeeper 

from beyond the 

Great Shadows

Hear my call and come hither forth

O' Ancient One

From beyond the Great Shadows

Hear my call and come visit me

whilst I dream 

Riding upon your great white horse

O' Blessed Be

O' Ancient One

Great Gatekeeper from beyond the

Great Shadows

Hear my call and come hither forth

O' Ancient One

From beyond the Great Shadows

Hear my call and come visit me

whilst I dream 

Riding upon your great white horse

O' Blessed Be

O' Ancient One

Great Gatekeeper from beyond the

Great Shadows

Hear my call and come hither forth

O' Ancient One

from beyond the Great Shadows

Hear my call and come visit me

whilst I dream 

Riding upon your great white horse

O' Blessed Be 

and so be it

Did you do it

The look in your eyes says yes
If you really confess

For I'll be visiting you


In the low hours

Just after 


So mote it be

Copyright John Duffy 

If Santa had the Blues

 Press play and let the music wash over you as you read.


All I've ever wanted  
All my life  
Is to feel truly alive

Someone to love me
From early morning
To way past midnight

After a white winters

But like all things
Which shimmer

Like much converted

It's a dream
I still hold onto
Even now

As I grow
Slowly old

Where are you
Wherever you be

Will you find me

Before I cross over
God's golden countries
And swim in its purple

I once dreamed
An emancipated dream

Dreamed I'll be happy
To parade

For all to see

I was never young

But born
So very old

I've lived a lifetime

Where my memories
And poetic stories
Will be continuously retold

But it's a lonely
Life as I hear

The hooves of the
Track Master approaching

Who haunts all things
Which currently dances

To life's slow grooves

But I'm indomitable

And will face these last
Few years filled
With such grace

And when I see
The Almighty

I'll ask him face to face.
And say

Where was my
One and only

The one to hold
Me tightly
And kiss away

All those

Wherever I was
Sad and so lonely

On that cold sleigh 

Copyright John Duffy 

Friday, October 8, 2021

St Peter.The Keeper of Keys, speaks.

 Press play and let the emotional music wash over you as you read.


(A lone voice whispers)

Some may still choose to call me a charlatan

A new reborn follower of a contemporary King 

From somewhere so totally beautiful it's so glorious

Some may say I'm a seducer of fragile minds

A fisher of men

Who then might choose to hold me upright

As I try to bring an end to all their tragedies 

Solidified in written oxygen

Whatever the consequence  

But my message is simply this

Try to live for happiness and a loving muse

Paint touching emotional pictures through stories




Music or poetry 

Using them as your own golden lyre

And then gently lay them  down in green metaphorical fields and upon velvety avenues

So those who want to see read or even feel them 

Can never ever be refused

Try not to lament old age


As it tries to freeze your spiritually youthful body 

in those dark moments of living

For your soul is forever deemed to be so beautiful and lithe

And embed with a profound strength 

To swim through all deep tributaries of anxiety or walk through realms of seemingly neverending depressions

Which may seem so unforgiving

To reach a new place far from all that red pain to eventually finding 

newer beginnings

Your heart may seem heavy and you might lose hope and feel all emotions

Linked to losing happiness or love 

But look me in these eyes

Watching you


And within these words 

and be lifted up In Dawn’s rose-flushed arms 

To truly live

Then look into life’s deep silvery mirrors

and always remember

You have so much more 

To still give

So just know that when that grieving golden whistle blows

When that hope of love
seems to disappear at night


When the darkness appears

I’ll be always here
To hold you

For my message is simply this

Will you let these words breathe through you

And calm the storm inside

As I try to keep your fire alight

Throughout all these upcoming dark nights

For I hold the two keys 

To the all the Kingdom and one day 

I hope and pray

 I'll let you in 

When your astral eyes open and me


You'll see

Copyright John Duffy

Have you heard the Lady in the Shadows speak, in the Covid Years?

Hey you

Have you ever heard that softest subconscious of all whispers

That serenades us all from elsewhere

Insidious does it seem to call

Inner murmurs that will not give us  

Simple surrender into a restful sleep

But a curious voice instead

Slowly vibrating throughout all our mental walls

A voice that constantly whispers if you listen 

To hold on to your deep dreams

A voice that occasionally manifests inspiration 

To excite our sometimes tired eyes

To really shine and truly gleam

Some may with a false smile try to diminish

What flows throughout your fast flowing bloodstreams

Some may laugh and sneer behind your back for they haven't the strength

Or indomitable courage to try to adapt  

To swim upstream

But to you who aspire

Beyond momentary false thoughts

Daily depression and who through it all

Still cling onto seemingly crazy big dreams

Those who embrace its soft whispering dulcet kiss

May all your fears and woes slowly disappear 

As you find the inner strength to stand tall

And face the watching world

For it merely perpetually whispers

You were always born to eventually reign supreme

For you're simply a beautifully important part of an incredible grand scheme

So no matter how hard life sometimes seems

Even if your soul nightly in frustration quietly screams

Cling onto hope for we listen and whisper to inspire

So happiness and success in some form

Can eventually be redeemed

So be it

Copyright John Duffy

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Do you need a prayer to ward off the Narcissists in these dark times?


(Repeat 3 times for it to manifest. Salute.)

May I become so meaningless 

To all those who slander and judge

May I become so meaningless 

To all those sad souls

Gossiping behind closed doors 

Swimming knee deep

In the dark sludge

May I become so meaningless 

To all those who call me

such revolting names

Because I wouldn't comply

As their arrows of hate missed my heart and simply flew by 

May I become so meaningless 

To all the ether and ominous fields of fast-flowing electricity 

Some need to express their choice of sorrowful words 

To damage someone's else's auras eccentricity

May I become so meaningless 

As the word I 

While they all chase new lovers and followers attention 

Trying to break pagan curses bestowed by the dark queen Ragna

Before I die

May I become so meaningless 

As I see why I said no

For their anger 

I once saw in a deep poetic dream 

Is a place 

Deep inside 

God wants them to fix

But they still can't see the signs like a poor lost profit 

Similar to Judas who once looked for the truth but with blinded eyes 

Dammed them all for he never really saw it

May I become so meaningless and trivial 

They just move on to someone new

And give me a chance

To grow and my heart to renew

So mote it be

Copyright John Duffy 

Monica Speaks from beyond the Grave

 (A lone voice whispers)

As I sit alone at the worn and lonely gates of Yesteryear 

In this lonely place 

Beside one of Father Hades, many dark underground mysterious streams in his vast kingdoms

Looking back to memories of the past through jaded white painted windows 

Unafraid and lost in countless deep thoughts as I watch repressed memories 

Drive past erratically and then slowing down like JFK's tragic presidential motorcade 

Whilst looking closely at all the joyful and depressing games 

We sometimes once played

You and me 


Eventually releasing each others hands forever as our love got waylaid

When the ungodly gossiping bands behind closed doors and on social media

Started playing loudly a crazy jealous tune and singing our names 

As our Titanic slowly sunk

I can still see

Reflected in priceless memories of your deliciously dark eyes

That fateful night on the fifteenth of November 

When I surrendered all that I am when we first made love

A magical night  

I'll always remember 

But as all things 

In my cursed life 

Everything changed as that metaphorical iceberg struck 

And our love slowly drowned in stormy seas

Crashing endless heavy waves of increasing painful disastrous luck

That seemingly infinite night we once shared

Is now torn beyond all repair 

You were once all I ever needed

And will never will forget

But as I still live in here

In these lands of self-introspection and regret in the Great In-Between 

I will always write your beloved name and an accompanying memorandum 

On  some priceless papyrus paper

Using beautiful  syllables 

In my eternal book of spells as a means of release in my new catharsis routine 

I'll put them beside other failed dreams in my notebook called The Grimore of Flunked Lights

Filled with dark distress

Where you'll forever live 

And as I sit at the gates of yesterday 

Thinking about this in the near future

Wondering through green fields of yellow memories 

Still clinging onto fragments of your beloved sensuous silhouette


If you can hear me

I hope our old love 

Still in your heart, as it does in mine 

Holds forever strong with memories of us still together 

As we once danced so beautifully as time moved so slowly and life did a comical but sometimes dangerous pirouette

Copyright John Duffy 


Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Have you been heartbroken?

(A lone voice whispers)

I'm under no legal or spiritual authority

To make any sense to you

For I now choose to just write evocative poetry like this one

Right out of the blue

To help disassemble any strands of an old irreplaceable love that I once knew

My contemporary words will help me build

A new soul rousing  empire rising from the moist grey metaphorical ashes 

Of all those depressing wet tears I once cried

When you left me standing still at that quiet railway station in Branton Peake

With a soft kiss on my right cheek and murmured a cheap goodbye 

A subtle sign of foreshadowing as our love soon after died

I may lose everything inside but like a strong sturdy autumn tree

Which loses its green leaves every year blowing in harsh Autumn winds

I'll still stand tall and wait for better days to come 

A new day where I can stop shedding a sad tear

A testimony to a unique state of mind where freedom freely sings

You see inner power isn't about how much you can handle before you break

When love walks out and leaves your heart swollen and frozen in its wake

It's about how you sustain and govern that pain but still manage to grow

After you've been so beautifully and skilfully turned out

And been the star of an incredible soap opera or popular tv show

Opened up so seductively on everyone's big screens 

Only to then be insidiously broken 

As you foolishly accept some more tainted red tokens 

Whilst standing in the shade of the Babylonian Weeping Willow

As you wear your heart on your sleeve and cry into your pillow

Whilst going through all of life's tragic emotional commotions

But soon you'll see

I'll be free and courageous enough 

To step out of the shade of your Babylonian Weeping Willow tree

And embrace the world with a new worldview

One where I'm not just another damned love-struck blinded devotee 

Totally obsessed by you 

Copyright John Duffy

A theme recounted down through the ages.

Does heartbreak cause the soul to change every time it happens?

To become stronger and wiser?

A great few questions for another piece. Salute.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Emmanuel's call to Phanuel the Archangel

 Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice whispers)

In this everlasting darkness

My beloved Phanuel

We the tragic Fallen 

All still seek redemption and salvation and pray endlessly to be pardoned

For in this dark statue filled midnight garden

Where all the invisible dweller's in-between parallel worlds choose to hide

In just another brief mystery of time after they cross over 

Only to cry when they eventually realise they've died

Like a well-loved story written in the first mystical books of Adam and Eve

I can still remember when I once ran wildly and carefree like

Huckleberry Fin on every New Years Eve 

Into that old world's beautiful boudoirs of invigorating sin

Daring to reach those hidden dark places

Amongst the wily predators and sharks

Where even Angels choose not to play their golden harps

To help bring forth the light 

A similar place where I now lay

Where all you can do is just laugh cry or pray

And like in the eternal play of the Apocalypse of Mosis

I nowadays never breathe in fear 

For in the end 

I know everyone loses

Even those still living beyond the light barrier and multi-dimensional frequencies

Separated from our two ages 

By our misjudged actions and Father Deaths dire consequences

I currently stand in front of these Great White Gates

Of the Master of the All the Light and Hidden Places

I still whisper your secretive once cherished name

You know

Phanuel the Archangel

My only friend and hope in this ever-growing darkness

Praying inwardly it carries my silent words to you

Wherever you go

For I have now alone

Walked the spiritually illuminating but also devastating Trail of the Last Circle

Using my worn Bible as my only reliable guide in which to confide 

For I know this is my last chance and not just another rehearsal 

Since my true love still lives on a plane of existence in which only the living can survive

That's why I call to you Phanuel my Archangel

For within this solitude

As I learned on the Trail of Last Circle

That there can be no joyful magic without any drops of painful tears of gratitude 

No love without experiencing and cashing in some of tragedy's realities wet checks

For aren't we all but masquerading as beautiful pure angels that have the power to deceive  

Goodness and light enacted by skilful charlatans

Presented for all to see

But in our deepest innermost core

Those who can truly perceive 

Know the intensity of such hidden truths

And it’s why I still search these Great Lands

To find just you


Don't you remember me

Your most loyal servant Emmanuel

It may be a new murder by rejection

As I now knock the long deep knock

On these Great White Gates

Lullabied by the Seraphim as I wait for a response in these hidden chords of time

Listening to them ferociously singing

 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.

Remembering when he filled me with such hope 

When after a visit for Holy Communion and I felt compelled to confess all my guilty stories

Whenever I tried to repent after committing another love crime 

But like all the dark mysteries 

Connected with the Holy Grail

Maybe this time around

I won't just fall on my badly bruised knees

Buckle under and fail

Only to then turn back and run into the familiar welcoming darkness

Maybe this time around

You'll appear my beloved Phanuel

To slowly open up these Great White Gates and lead me away

To a new life filled with a newfound love of redemption and eventual salvation 

A place where I can live in peace and tranquillity for all eternity 


Please hear my call

Copyright John Duffy

Archangel Phanuel is known as the angel of repentance and hope.

He encourages people to repent of their sins and pursue eternal relationships with God.

Which can give them the hope they need to overcome guilt and regret.


Monday, October 4, 2021

The Song of Lysander


Like the old gods
Sleeping under the sea's

We pray to the skies
So it will be

To spirits of family and friends
All around us

Circling free

We look to the skies
So it will be

To the shadows
Hiding our dreams

We beseech the night
So it will be

To the emotions
Setting us free

Through corridors
Of mind
We look within

Finding strength
So it will be

Like the old gods
Sleeping under the sea's
We pray to the skies

So it will be
Blessed Be

Copyright John Duffy

The Voice at 4 am