. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Have you felt this?


Conversations with the Shadow People

 Press Play 


 Press Play.


I still dream of the beautiful woman 

Who first introduced me to sin

Still feel her soft red fingernails

On my hard skin

Still taste her red lipstick 

As I became a king

And walked like Adam


In my own Garden of Eden

As I remember the noises

Of the early morning Blackbirds

Who loved to sing

When I became of age

And walked reborn

Into a man's skin


Copyright John Duffy 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Will you join my Children of The Lang Nag?

 Press play.

Will you join my Children of The Lang Nag?

(A lone voice whispers)

Will you follow me blindly 

Into the very dark

Labyrinths of The Eternal Mind

To sneak past the Monarch of Future Past


And all things that last

My lonesome child

My divine one

Will you call to me

And whisper

If you're lonely 

Seeking fun

For you've always 

Known me

Veni ad me

(Come to me)

Veni ad me

(Come to me)

 Accipe me

(Take me)

And on that day 

In every way 

I'll be the first and last thing you'll see

As you walk

Neck deep 

Into my ancient

radiant still deep waters

While Mother Moon smiles as you are consumed

To join my Children of The Lang Nag

(Long Night)

In one of my many side rooms

To dance round my pagan campfires 

As my rhythmic music and a symphony of voices surrounds and regale you

With wild stories 

Of The Mawk’akuna

(The Old Ones)

For time will die and expire like a hunter's doe

In my endless forest 

As your soul 

So hungry 

I'll nourish 

So will you summon me and whisper

Veni ad me

Veni ad me

Accipe me

And enter my Midsummer's Night's Dream

Where everything dances to a new tune

My tune 

In my mythical realms

Of The Great In-Between


Copyright John Duffy 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Dance of The Lampyridae

Press Play.

 The Dance of The Lampyridae

We once danced like the glowing Lampyridae

Bathing in the molten heat of a new fire

While walking hand in hand 

Down loves panoramic highways

Flames of belonging and such sensuous fire 

Lit and consumed our aura's

But when the winter of our love season arrived 

With the familiar sound of jingle bells

Announcing our Oak wedding anniversary 

On that particular sunrise 

On December the fifth

That mesmerising spell broke like the mythical Sword of Elendil

And my world 


So blue is my new season watching the midnight Lampyridae dance 

In the silvery moonlight

Like a young Gene Kelly and Rita Hayworth

As we once did

While my life slowly drifts


After I lost you

My world and the only thing that once mattered

Wandering lost in my mind's so many labyrinths filled with our hieroglyphs

As I stand alone on 

Death's high cliff

When I remember that first beautiful night  

We met

When our souls were ordained in God's light


Copyright John Duffy

(Lampyridae: Firefly)

Images shared under fair usage 

Remember Me