. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Moon Goddess. Dianna.

(A lone voice whispers)

Take this, 

These softly spoken words 

As the sacred keys to my Tower of Regeneration 

And as my high moon sets

Call to me with all your power

From any nation

And I'll help you conquer your abyss 

With a full life and a real love

Guided by my light 

At your side

To open your heart wide 

Replenished by the warmth of my belief, 

One of my greatest of gifts

For if you don't

My energy, and moonlight you will always miss

As you look back at me 

One lonely night

And reminisce 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Press play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Is this the final time for you and me

To part from visiting my white room
In the Great In-Between

For this morning I read
As God once said
In Isaiah 43:18-19

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland

And I can faintly hear brass bands playing a sad tune in the distance

Via my automatic scrying machine

And a soft voice whispering
It's no use staying

She needs time to heal 

To restart and feel

So maybe
Another time around in this crazy circle

With no rehearsal
It may last

Even though our love is dead and buried

Maybe next time we can just find a way to continue to be true friends

Who makes each other

To try to make it better than the last

So tonight I open up my old tired diary

And just write in big letters

Never forget
Your only love

The kind woman who once carried you
When life once got so heavy

(C) Copyright John Duffy

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 “Is a just and true life — one stirred by love and escorted by experience?

Neither a love devoid of experience, but a realization of love and experience — can it help to produce a virtuous existence?” 

To know love – do we have to jump all in – swimming valiantly?

Thrashing feverishly around within its deep, mysterious pools of emotions?

To really feel the ecstasy, the highs, and lows?

Do we have to go up above and below?

Does the emotional roller coaster of a sublime bliss—catch you within its first soft, sensuous kiss?

Can the suddenly harsh voice of its sudden disdain, sometimes enduring such immeasurable pain — stop you from ever chasing it again?

What is a life without trying it?

Do you turn into the French Inquisition, and see transgressions everywhere,

So you don't get burnt?

Has love burnt a hole in your side?

A few I have known weep from its soft velvety touch, and only having enduring its rollercoaster once, seek it no more.

Do they not know — climbing back on board with a new passenger: might be the answer?

Love is the most complex enigma we will ever know in life, and as the saying goes, fall down seven times, stand up eight!

The average woman will kiss 15 men, enjoy two long-term relationships, and have her heartbroken twice before she meets, “The One”, a study reveals.  

Researchers found she will also suffer four disaster dates, and be stood up once, before she finally settles down with the man of her dreams.

Men, on the other hand, face being stood up twice, and will have six one-night stands before they meet their ideal partner.  

This figure could be coming down, though, because a separate study suggests that men are becoming less afraid of commitment.

The average young man is ready for a committed relationship from the age of 22, two years younger than ten years ago.

Have you fallen down seven 

But still get up eight?

Copyright John Duffy

Thanks for visiting. Salute.


Love Found

Press play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Under her hypnotic spell

Leaving me in new realms of emotions.

Where I now dwell

I walk steep hills

Day and night

Up and down 

In my mind

Walking past fast flowing rivers with carcasses of my previous experiences 

With demons from hell

To reach salvation and its soft green meadows of daffodils and crystal clear waters

Such is the power and magnanimity of being under love's spell and being a lone walker

Exploring and worshipping at a new altar


(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


(A lone voice whispers)

Are Goodbyes like lone turtle-doves that fly

Like birds from your clouds of Singularity

Into wild winds

Of one day they're here

And one day they're gone

But you always cry inside


In somewhere so deep and quiet

Where beloved memories hide

When you remember the sweet moments of tranquility and sincerity 

Before that old love died on a new white cross of behaviour therapy 

(C) Copyright John Duffy 

Foundation of the piece.

Do memories last forever?

Good or bad.

The ending relates to:

Do those experiences change your behaviour patterns by learning from that particular experience?

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Is this one of the sins of the twenty-first century?

 Is this one of the sins of the twenty-first century,

increased tenfold by social media affecting relationships?

Have you been uncouth or met one of the uncouth?

(Adjective: lacking in good manners, refinement, or grace.) 



Well, I guess I'm uncouth
I lied 

And didn't tell them 
The truth 

Copyright John Duffy

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Sunday Voice

Foundation of the piece.

Do the Unrequited still seek love searching through social media for an old love?

Have you looked up old flames in secret?

(A lone voice whispers)

In this grey shade of semi-darkness

I've sat down by the IPFT and looked again down through time 

Past all the fast-moving images and those sad heartbreaking ones

Portraying illnesses 

Lit a white Dominion protection magic candle and pondered

Is she with another I just can't see

Someone else's older or younger brother

That soulmate who once professed and confessed 

She was only mine

Would she still love me beyond all she feared

If I could somehow suddenly appear

Would her sweet kisses taste the same as before 

When we first met and I told her my sacred name

As I stood at her front door

But would she forget me this time when she got home

Delete my old number on her phone

I know she's a siren 


A beautiful beacon

A light in the dark who all fall to their knees

Whenever she calls

Is that why I'm cursed by the green shards of Belazor 

In this grey shade of semi-darkness 

As I embrace my own form of holy crucifixion

Charged to look down through time forever 

And tasked by Malachi

To always light a white Dominion magic protection candle 

From the sacred box of self-introspection

And ponder

Is she with another that has my reflection 

Who looks like me

Someone else's younger or older brother 

Now I've died and can only use the IPFT

To see

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Remember Me