. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Monologue of Saul

 The Monologue of Saul

(A lone voice whispers)

Do people 

Maybe even you 

Who have ever been broken in two 

By love

Sometimes sit wondering 

What was I thinking of

Was I seduced by a dark dream from those hidden in the byways and half ways 


By Pagan old kings 

Jealous queens and their armies

Whispers of spells from their invisible lips 

To see false things which might seem true

Only to drain 

My love away 

With every sweet touch and kiss

By gesturing old fingertips 

From daybreak and into the awaiting night

For is to love

Just a sweet game of chance

To let the heart dance

The passionate Milonguero

To risk all 

Even the fall

To sit one day 

In silence 


Oh, why did I risk being cracked in two by love

Only to sit pondering 

Like so many other broken in two souls

What was I thinking of

Was I seduced by a dark and dangerous dream 

Linked to love

From those hidden in the byways and half ways 


From below 

Or above 

By Pagan old kings

Jealous queens and their armies 


Creating spells from their invisible hungry lips 

To drain away my love 

With beckoning gestures 

By old fingertips

As my heart silently yelled 

Ringing an unheard 

Red alarm bell


With every sweet touch and kiss

Inviting me 

Like Dante Alighieri

Into an old hell

From daybreak and into the awaiting night


Under pagan old kings and jealous queens


But deep down

I now know

As I go

To love

To live and love in any given moment 

To taste any form of love

Might be a mystical game of chance

A chance to let the heart dance

The passionate Milonguero

To risk all even the fall

To sit one day wondering

For I now know

With experience 

All beautiful things in sweet exchanges once lost

When each moment is remembered 

Those sweet tranquil ones

That one still treasures

The most 

To risk all and even if only the heart briefly dances 

The passionate Milonguero

In the arms of love 

Is always worth the cost

Even if you end up feeling 

Used up 

Lonely and lost


Copyright John Duffy 


One example of the 5 different styles of dancing the Tango.

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Illumination of the soul

 Press Play 

(A lone voice whispers)

As a person, you must know

Deep down 

You're part of one of the most spiritually 


Literary movements there has ever been

A gift sent to you for self-expression from The Great In-Between 

A means to pull down old towers with new or old siege hooks

Open closed doors

By maybe writing a blog or book 

To walk through anthills and moors

Of poetic stanzas

To find who you really are 

As you pause and really look

For above all things

Magic in poetry is real

A form of rebellion from the mundane

A resolution 

A Bonanza 

To push back boundaries in a form of grassroots resistance 

To power and social control


To be able to purge the destructive nature of humanity and the need to share its beauty

To those watching on patrol 

As they go 

For you are so gifted

So never be afraid to share your Illumination of the soul

For someone somewhere

Always needs to be lifted


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Invocation of Xo

 Press play.

(A lone female voice whispers)

Within these enticing words is a manifestation of magic from me

An incantation from my higher self

My spirit

For you to take to the crypt 

Beyond all your eyes can ever see 

Ven y quédate conmigo

For within these magical words,

I sign my secret name with this poetic invocation 


Into your hypothalamus




Ven y quédate conmigo

To unconsciously follow you 

Like a Little Hobo

Everywhere you go

Ven y quédate conmigo

I've cast this now you've read it as our own individual spell to allow you 

To carry me within your each and every breath 

Until our deaths

Ven y quédate conmigo

So I can see you grow

From Spring to the last Winter's snow 

From above and below

Ven y quédate conmigo

You’re inviting me in whether you know it or not

Ven y quédate conmigo

Admit our love

So this won't stop

Merge with me

So I can help carry you through any rain or tear drops

So say after me mentally as you read this

Ven y quédate conmigo

Come and stay with me


And I will come

With beating sounds of your heart's rhythmic drums

Ven y quédate conmigo

Come and stay with me


To be as one

Ven y quédate conmigo


Copyright John Duffy 


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Have you heard the call yet?

(A lone voice whispers)

In a modern world drowning in sweet old white lies

Floating like golden leaves and fluttering like Monarch butterflies 

In winter's silvery moonlight

Where green ivy grows and black coated crows 

Embrace Mother Midnight 

In Her blackest low hours

Beneath an Ash Tree 

Somewhere near

Miraculous sounds 

Summon lost souls

To appear in Dreamland 

With such irresistible power

Like maybe you 

Like me

By calls made by forest owls

And a white lone-wolf howl

Noises kissing the cold winters breeze like long-lost lovers

Sending out calls to all those who still 

In the Old Ways


Crying out to be given life's new keys

To walk with others


By their side

And swear a secret oath 

To Forests pagan call

In Dreamland 

Underneath that Ash Tree

To provide 

A sanctuary in hope 

For those needing to cope

To show the lost 

Fumbling in the dark

To try to be their guide

And in that celestial exchange of an unseen love

Leave a sigil in their heart

For kindness shown throughout years of service To helping others 

Summoned to do so

By a strange call from Mother Midnight 

Will forever pay

The Toll Keeper to Paradise


Your entrance fee

When you are eventually 


For helping others who may have eaten 

The poisonous fruit from humanities self destructive 


Called Annihilation


While lost in dark fields of self-gratification 


Copyright John Duffy 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Star-crossed lovers

 (A lone voice whispers)

Owner of my thoughts 

A woman who can be never bought 

Beauty who sleeps in a white room 

Deep in my soul 

With a love that never grows old

Owner of soft hands to ravish to banish the winter's cold

A love song 

Incarnated in flesh 

With dark looks to haunt you

Until you are old

Oh how I love you so

And carry your picture 

In my top pocket


I go


Copyright John Duffy 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Darkness to Light


Darkness to Light 

(A lone voice whispers)

In these dark times 

Of bombs dropping 

Keep your faith


Some politicians and countries 

In hidden


Gather to

Pray for war and violence

In uneven lines

With a version of Caiphas

The dark priest

From the mythical Lost City of Dis

In The Far East

Praying the world

Tastes a Malebolge sour kiss

But what the sowers of scandal and their many followers

Of the Three-Headed Beast

Will soon know 

They risk

Living by The Great Lake of Cocytus

Within the gateway to a soulless Judecca

Floating in the dark wells of fire and ice

To be with their God

Who pays with cursed gold

In the form of all you desire

Only to entrap those into sin

To burn 

In the eternal fire

As the Great Battle


Into eternity

As the bombings


While angels

Of Light

Led by Archangel Michael   



In long nights

So jeep your faith

For the Darkness

And its followers on crusade

Will soon



Copyright John Duffy

The voice of the Mytakiia

Press play

( A lone voice whispers)

Are you good in spirit 

Kind and filled with compassion 

Or do you want to join the horde

And beg for an epiphany from our lord

For I've seen

The newly indentured 



Like forever

In this endless rain

On this unhallowed sand

In this no man's land

When they realise their holy dreams have died

In pain

In reflective wet


Seen hearts once made out of stone 

Torn out of cold sides

And laid

By the wayside

As lost souls



As the Watchers

Beyond the Great Shadows

In their hundreds

Smiled and chuckled

At the newly condemned

As they suffered

Seen Antediluvian Kings

Of once great renown 

Fall and kneel

And curse the black sky

Using every known verb to implore how they feel

Watched cities

Of the wailing

In their numbered caves

Plead for forgiveness 

Like the 72 

Imprisoned by King Solomon's seal

All this I've seen

And so much more

But amongst these mists

A new seat

In one of our caves

Always awaits 

Its number for the


On that door

Is always eight

Covered in a million old etched in names

It could carry your name

Like mine

Into oblivion

But if you still feel the compulsion

To do what's right 

To walk the good walk

Who knows

We The Mytakiia

The followers of the slow path to salvation 

Might never see you 

On any given night

In these grey land

Of wailing and pain

To stand like 

Those lost 

Like us 

Before the centuries of pleading our case

The wailing multitude 

We call the Profane

Who stand still crying into the endless rain

Asking for forgiveness 

From a higher power

Of no name


Copyright John Duffy

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday blessings

(A lone voice whispers)

In this maelstrom of life

There's always a way to help sad times end

Just ask for help from family or friends 

So don't just wander lost

Loveless and forgotten by your version of God

That self-indulgent cognitive deep-seated emotion

Has never been a prerequisite 

Bestowed from strange unvisited realms 

From so high above

You just need to embrace all of your carefully camouflaged deep

Compartmentalized scars

To try to find your own Philosopher's Stone

Where it's just brimming with hope

Within your own hidden spiritual development

And maybe forgotten divine love

For it will help to support you 

Whenever you are stuck

Wallowing knee-deep 

In your life's own ever-growing mud

Copyright John Duffy 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Song of Eeeooo Eeeooo E

 The Song of Eeeooo Eeeooo E

(A lone woman sings)

With your last breath

Of the fading midnight hour

Will you hear with all your powers of the auditory

The musical call of my mystical senryu

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

From my Bacchic Celebration Towers 

Will you join my unashamed company 

In the swirling dervish mists

Who go past each midnight 

From another realm

Singing and chanting 

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo

To join a new world

Of never-ending pleasures

That will forever last

Where sensuous music with wild voices

Will put your soul 

At risk

With its seductive noises

And make it your Fate 

To enter and close its rusty old gates


Would you join

As they passed

No longer to lament

But to be courageous

To welcome me

To pitch my tent

In your soul 

With powers of enchantment and pleasure 

That will seem 

Heaven sent

A contradiction 

Of above and below

For I know

When all lascivious dreams must go

So shed your hubris and pomposity

As you 

To me

Are led

Chanting my musical

senryu of

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo

We pray to

The Golden Goddess of Exiles

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo E

To go to a place

Where purple butterflies live forever 

And people never


Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo Eeeooo E

Eeeooo Eeeooo


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

A whisper in the night

 Even though

The night is mine

Like the African doe

Who hides behind 

The bushes in the nighttime

In the Kigali

Every breath you take

Every step you make

Even if the moon longer rises

Or the sun goes out

I will be at your side

If you lose hope

With nothing left to cope

I will be at your side

If your life seems empty whilst others seem to have plenty

Pray to me to appear

To wipe away those tears

For I will be at your side

If you need space and time 

To clear your mind

If you need to feel pain

To be reborn again

I will be at your side

If Fate brings you SAD gifts 

Like seasonal affective disorders

From all known states

Or borders

Or people filled with and preaching hate

Call to me

And I will be at your side

For your life is but a brief whisper 

A quick ride in my Ether

A tiny dot on my ethereal map

A made-up wheel

Created by the Babylonians and Egyptians

That can steal all you feel

So know

Your life was never made to live alone

Driven by a ticking wheel

Call to me 

To atone

And I will be at your side

In a flash 

Before your world turns to ash

So my Keeper of the Sacred Keys


Can welcome you home

To a wonderful land 

Where you're never alone 

But with all your family and beloved friends

And free spirits as all animals roam

Remember to call to me

So I can be at your side

I'm sure you know my name

For I'm also a child

A son of a God sent to guide

All things in his Ether 

Which collide 

Even the sinful

Who have lied

But more so 

For those who souls

Who have cried

Call to me

For dear reader

Faith always provides


Copyright John Duffy

Questions for the inquisitive mind