. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Nikola Speaks

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Nikola Speaks

(A lone voice whispers)

As a Chosen Soul imbued with foresight before I walked this Earth

Upon my birth

I've walked within the dark omnipotent shadows of governments and military 

Drunk and happily dominated and enjoyed being beguiled 

By expensive champagne with Presidents of Industrial Commerce 

As I slowly became a mercurial mercenary 

But an invocation came calling from way overseas 

Before I ended up lonely in the dark cemetery 

From newer unexplored or expected frequencies 

Pulling me deep

From realms unseen and across wild turbulent blue oceans

Esoteric charged

Visited only through emotionally offered pain

A vision appeared to once call my very own

From rivers of gushing luminosity 

From within a faraway mind

Filled and overflowing with wild thoughts and yearnings

From the deep centre of all the Universe

Where all is paraded naked and bare

Summoned only by distant whispering bells

I now know the profound truth

My wants and needs

Beyond all mortal questionnaires

What has laid dormant hidden behind my own great red door

And once sealed with dark heartbroken spells has now been unleashed 

An enchanted vision now rules my once lonely mind

Moulding it into totally irresistible desires

Illuminated shadows undulating by wild burning fires

Formless curves now caress my heart beating beautifully inside me

For now, I'm reborn into Love and Light

Filled with thousands of years of ancestral insights

This spirit is honoured and is now ready to fight

For its new life

Crazy dreams and anything else which stands in this Great In-Between

Powered by Angels of renowned might 

From ageless lands unseen

Their soul-touching fragrances swirling around like starling flocks

As they slowly turn the secretive hidden old spiritual keys 

In all my forgotten locks

Which in turn have set me free


Before I go

Here are a few things I've learnt that might help those who want to know

Be a dreamer 

A writer





Inventor or whatever you desire

The world needs more eccentrics filled with blazing furious fire

Be persistent over all resistance 

For giving up is a small stab into the soul's heart

I know that pain as it always returns in this endless falling rain

Give trust out to all but only welcome into your inner circle 

Those who repay your call

Too many people are just fake friends who just take 

So watch out for this common mistake 

Find like-minded kin for they will make your soul sing

Never chase happiness with a golden wedding ring 

For only sadness it will bring

Find someone or something to love 

It just makes this part of your existence easier

Never be afraid of dying for it's a bit like flying

Before you get in the air

Everyone is always fearful

But once up

Everyone is cheerful ordering drinks


I must go deeper into the mists

Maybe I'll see you when you get here

Just look for me by the Great Overhanging White Cliffs

Copyright John Duffy 

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