. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Tale of The Penitent Man

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Tale of The Penitent Man


(A lone voice whispers. Looking skywards.)

Oh, my old love of anything linked to emotional heresy

Do you still miss me


Regal deceptive beauty and queen of all tempestuous ecstasy 

Who guided me by sinful blindness and fornication

To be my own worst enemy

In a deep physical need for things of physical substance and for sexual security 

Bound to one 

Or two persons 

In greed 

And that's why I was deplorably cursed 

To wander lost 

Until The High Trinity in Unity

Told me 

Dost Thou in our presence 

Abide by our sacred ways 

To in penitence 

Rise with morning praise 


And burn out 

All your old sinful heresy 

So we can rejoice 

And reign in Thee

Num sigillum nostrum ad sanandum accipis?

(Will you accept our seal to heal?)

Now as I hear angelic anthems 

Awakened in the sanctity of forever silence 

Enriched with gifts of piety for clarity 

I cry 

Oh Hear Me 

Thou Almighty Kings

Hear my praises 

Each morning as

I rise 

Before sunrise 

To kneel and sing

For heresy is a dangerous red and golden ring 

To wear

So I swear 


And whisper 

In the low hours 

Praise be to The High Trinity in Unity

All heavenly hosts 

For welcoming me into their blessed community 

To commune for purification with

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy from Pinterest.

Foundation of the piece.

I recently met a once-broken man, who found his salvation in a new found faith. 


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