. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Oh Blessed Beltane

Monday, May 1, 2023

Oh Blessed Beltane


Press play before reading. Salute.

(A lone voice sings)

Oh Blessed Beltane
Oh blessed be

Tonight the Queen of the Fairies

Appears on her white charger

To enchant and tempt all 
Who wishes to follow

In her white suit of armor 
To Faeryland

The Sacred Green Hollow

The Fairy Queen who comes 
Rides in front

For all  
Anointed to see

Gowned in green silk and 
Halo of light 

Eyes a glow
Like woodland groves 

Where no one only kin

Dare follow 
Only they 

Who knows 

So if you see
Or feel a gust of wind

Hear golden bells ring

Which hang from black leather harnesses 

Of the Fairy Queen's 

As they joyously sing

It might be best 
To lay in woodland hides 

And you she may pass by

Or you could follow
As she rides

For the Fairy Folks on Beltane
Tonight they raid

For here comes 
Wild Riders from across the Shee

So light up all yellow hay

Like bright beacons on Bridles Way

And ring those golden bells and yell

To guide the Named few 
To cross Fairy folk's Fells

In this year
Of 2023

Let Beltane fires 

To burn and Maypole dances 
Come alive

So many can sing
Dance and pray

Until the dawn cockerel screams 

To break her Beltane spell 

As Summer announces 
Start of new day

As sun dies
Over Greenfell's Way

Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy. 

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