. Poetry from The Great In-Between: Some whispered rules from the Great In-Between

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Some whispered rules from the Great In-Between


 (A lone voice whispers)

Find an everlasting requiem 

To take you knee-deep in a lust for a real-life

Make unrequited love

The Rebellious Songs of the Transformational

As you throw away its emotional sharp knife

Make a layer cake of evocative delicious delights

To be explored and devoured with your dearly beloved

Hidden from the watching dark shadows all around you

In the middle of any given night

Find ancestral strength in midnight memories and ritualistic ceremonies

Within echoes from those now out of sight

Regain the strength to carry on and fight to finally

Find loves hidden highways and as you take flight

Embrace the sacred thoughts that your Guardian Angels

Always watch over and protect yourself in every way

Especially at night with their unspoken prayers

And you my child 

Will be okay in all of your lifes affairs


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

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