. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Kuntilanak

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Kuntilanak


(A lone voice whispers)

She came like a beautiful house crow

In the middle of the night 

Under the full Moon

Dressed in white

Flying straightforward from somewhere 

So hidden 

And out of sight 

Smelling of the Plumeria flower

She looked me 


Up and down 

With a frown 

Like a crying baby

Where she stood 

Then knocked me 


To the cold ground 

Mounted me like a young Hayley Turner 

Looking for a quick earner 

With a Ke-ke-ke sound

With a new learner 

And that my friend 

Is how I got bit 

Bit really darn hard 

By the true queen 

Of all humanities hidden yards 

The Kuntilanak

The crow queen who appeared one dark night 

Hidden out of sight

From The Great In-Between

And mounted me like Hayley Turner 

For a quick Looshe earner

When I was only seventeen 


Copyright John Duffy 

The Kuntilanak (Indonesian name), also called Pontianak (Malay name), or Yakshi in Hinduism/ Hindu mythology is a mythological creature in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. 

Hayley Turner is the most successful professional female jockey in history.


1. A New Age term applied to energy produced by human beings that other entities use to feed from. 

 It's  also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering, that entities feed from

Images shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 

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