. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Call of Exo

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Call of Exo

 A mythical supernatural short poetic monologue, for those who enjoy, semi long reads.


The Call of Exo

(A lone voice whispers)

Have you ever tasted the sour black wine

Of trying to live a life of separation in lands of desolation 

One filled with an erratic marching Mariachi band

Playing the Vihuela and Guitarrón

Taking turns 

Singing in rhymes 

About your pain

As they play on

About living a life with nothing to gain

Surrounded by Kukulan dark soldiers 

Of an unseen nation

From The Great In-Between

Chanting mantra's of shame with a sabbatical of 

Coniunge ordines nostros et inveniet libertatem

Coniunge ordines nostros et inveniet libertatem

(Join our ranks and find freedom)

(Join our ranks and find freedom)

Living a new life without any seemingly form of emancipation 


Like a new Eve

For all bad things


Lost in a schism of time

Hovering like a hummingbird

Between the fluctuating streams of two worlds

The Old and New

As they burn

Like green and blue

paper cups

Filled with broken dreams

Of love

Hope and peace

Even yellow cups of sadness with no sight of escape or release 

This prophetic dream

Of a Paradise Lost 

Like Milton

I was shut down with every night as my soul was unwritten 

Like a clone of Nikola Tesla who once dreamed of making it

As his patents were forbidden 

And as I now shudder in this cold while that familiar story 

Like a dark Hollywood picture show 


There is a new voice calling like a siren

An original voice 

Summoning my soul

With soft sounds

I hear whispering in my centrepiece

Llámame y vendré

Llámame y vendré

(Call me, and I'll come)

(Call me and I'll come)

Over and over 

A voice crawling all over and haunting my inner place 

Of grey walls

In the Void 

As it slowly calls 

Llámame y vendré

Llámame y vendré


With hope's desires and all-consoling dreams

As the Kukulan dark soldiers 

Retreat and scream

Unctus Tu ad nos pertinent Equites in Aeternum Pulvis 

Unctus Tu ad nos pertinent Equites in Aeternum Pulvis 


(Anointed Thou belongs to us Knights in the Eternal Dust)

(Anointed Thou belongs to us Knights in the Eternal Dust)

As they come to know

Their calls 

I no longer trust 


Copyright John Duffy 


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