. Poetry from The Great In-Between: The Midnight Visitor. Underneath the Crying Moon.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Midnight Visitor. Underneath the Crying Moon.

 (A lone voice whispers)

I stood over her luscious form

Bathed by the cool glare of the Crying moon as 

The Ancient Mother pretended to sleep but watched as she slept

Listened to her slow breathing and

Watched her twin mountains

Rise and fall underneath her white silken sheets

I knew

She did not know that I was there


She slept so innocently and soundly

That mysterious lover of mine

With the long crow black hair

Slowly I eased back the silken modesty protector

Gorged my hungry eyes on her sensual body

And witnessed once more


She was so beautiful under Mother Moon

The Ancient One

As she laid bathed in the pastel moonlight

Naked as the day she was born

And stepped into the light

I knew why I waited so long

To touch her

Fear she’d run

But courage was with me that night


I leaned over her majestic mountain peaks

And ran my soft tongue across her luscious lips

For a sweet taste of her soul

Her eyes

Even though closed

Fluttered and she muttered something so low 

It was hardly audible

It was then

I knew

In that instant

I could cross

The hidden boundaries between us

From my world to hers in the physical 

Because tonight everything was metaphysical

For with Mother Moons pagan blessings

Anything now was possible

I reached down and drew a heart shape

Upon her soft cheek

 Then bent low and introduced

 My luscious lips

To her mountain peaks as

Her breathing increased in tempo

I knew what I had to do


The Ancient One

Bade me go 

I ran my hard fingertips from the soft nape

Of her seductive neck to her ankle and back again and

As a faint aroma of


Appeared from nowhere

As I looked down at her

My living breathing book

Filled with so many

Stories music and poetry

I silently thanked the Almighty

For answering all my nightly prayers

Running my tongue over my lips

As lightly as I could

I tasted ambrosia

So delicious

It made me feel so

Eager and amorous

I kept my eyes upon her face

My warrior princess with the long crow black hair

As I trailed my index finger as light as a feather across her hips

A groan of pleasure escaped her throat and crimson red lips

I marked her forehead in the sign of the cross

With wax from my white candle

I always carry

The Joining of Spirits potion

Given to me by Her

Who lives in a mysterious hut

Hidden from all

But the true seekers

Across the Pacific’s many deep oceans

I smiled in the darkness of the room 

As I knew when she awoke

I would be with her forevermore

No longer dreaming for this is now real

I reached down and held her hand and


The sign of the cross in wax

On her soft skin

As I kissed her hard

I tasted sweet heaven and knowing that my Mark connected us deeper still

I knew she would always return

To me

In the longing hours

Even going against her own will

I watched her breathe me in deeply

As I seduced her mouth and

With a deep sigh

She started to cry

Don’t go 

She whispered in my ear as

Her eyes suddenly opened

But Mother Moon had called me home

From that bedroom

And all I could do was savor Her taste

Her ambrosia

Knowing I would return and all

Her curves and desires

I will be granted the time I


To truly consume

That was yesterday

I just left her with a simple line


Copyright John Duffy 

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