Saturday, July 27, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Will you join my Children of The Lang Nag?
Press play.
Will you join my Children of The Lang Nag?
(A lone voice whispers)
Will you follow me blindly
Into the very dark
Labyrinths of The Eternal Mind
To sneak past the Monarch of Future Past
And all things that last
My lonesome child
My divine one
Will you call to me
And whisper
If you're lonely
Seeking fun
For you've always
Known me
Veni ad me
(Come to me)
Veni ad me
(Come to me)
Accipe me
(Take me)
And on that day
In every way
I'll be the first and last thing you'll see
As you walk
Neck deep
Into my ancient
radiant still deep waters
While Mother Moon smiles as you are consumed
To join my Children of The Lang Nag
(Long Night)
In one of my many side rooms
To dance round my pagan campfires
As my rhythmic music and a symphony of voices surrounds and regale you
With wild stories
Of The Mawk’akuna
(The Old Ones)
For time will die and expire like a hunter's doe
In my endless forest
As your soul
So hungry
I'll nourish
So will you summon me and whisper
Veni ad me
Veni ad me
Accipe me
And enter my Midsummer's Night's Dream
Where everything dances to a new tune
My tune
In my mythical realms
Of The Great In-Between
Copyright John Duffy
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
The Dance of The Lampyridae
Press Play.
We once danced like the glowing Lampyridae
Bathing in the molten heat of a new fire
While walking hand in hand
Down loves panoramic highways
Flames of belonging and such sensuous fire
Lit and consumed our aura's
But when the winter of our love season arrived
With the familiar sound of jingle bells
Announcing our Oak wedding anniversary
On that particular sunrise
On December the fifth
That mesmerising spell broke like the mythical Sword of Elendil
And my world
So blue is my new season watching the midnight Lampyridae dance
In the silvery moonlight
Like a young Gene Kelly and Rita Hayworth
As we once did
While my life slowly drifts
After I lost you
My world and the only thing that once mattered
Wandering lost in my mind's so many labyrinths filled with our hieroglyphs
As I stand alone on
Death's high cliff
When I remember that first beautiful night
We met
When our souls were ordained in God's light
Copyright John Duffy
(Lampyridae: Firefly)
Images shared under fair usage
Monday, July 22, 2024
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Do you lucid dream?
Press Play
The Oneironaut
A person who explores dream worlds, usually associated with lucid dreams?
Do you lucid dream?
(A lone voice whispers)
Through the blue portal of slumber
Into the Abyss of Dreams
I've wondered
To live in one of my other lives without number
To see strange people
Hear new music
And all things as they come into sight
I've seen angels and demons
Felt love a light
Prayed for daybreak as darkness shrieked
Into the long night
Walked in knee high rivers of madness
Watched grey skies filled with rolling purple clouds of sadness
Rain on empty cities
I've flown
High up into the skies
Seen people once dead
As when I last saw them
When to life
They were wed
With its illuminated flame
Seen the Dark Schism
Where the darkness hides and rolls its dice
As it takes aim
At the profane
Unfathomable things with no name
Sat with lines of people
And talked into the night about the need for spirit cleansing
And to keep
As your souls only goal and transformation
Heard whispers and cries
Like thunder
In lightning filled skies
Ran through wild forest
Chased by Sisters of the Grove
For they knew I lived
So left their Cove
Found love in the arms of a lady I once knew
But now cut through
Like dead branches
It's a place I adore
When I appear
And always pray to go to
I've drunk deep from Pandora's fountain
Tasted raw pain
As I stood in gigantic mountains in never-ending rain
Walked with Kings
Queens and normal folk
Been a leader
And the class fool
The village joke
And when morning calls
As I'm summoned to walk
The smoke filled tapestried
Of Morpheus the Greek
Who watches
Hanging like a painting on the yellow and alabaster walls
I try to recall all I've seen
While visiting
The Great In-Between
The sounds
The people
Walking its grounds
Then I remember
In 24 hours
I return again
To the smoke filled Vista
Filled with people and things that may have once lived
Or existed
And step back through the veil of the Blue Portal
To once more live again
24 hours
Of being mortal
Copyright John Duffy
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Memories of Lucy Mountbatten
It's January the 12th, what will the year bring? Will the 20th, bring carnage or a peaceful transition? With all the swirling political...
Libertas (A lone voice whispers) Some say to be free And avoid being played By anyone or anything Consumed and discarded like a cheap bot...
Press play. (A lone voice whispers) I watch unseen From The Great In-Between Carrying your heart's dreams In my brown and blue suitcase...