. Poetry from The Great In-Between: April 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 Foundation of the piece.

Even though you rebuild, do ghosts of old relationships, still haunt you?



(A lone voice whispers)

We left each other 

So suddenly 

So long ago

For I was too strong not


To turn the other cheek

After you cheated

I've now climbed over life's many hurdles

Manifested by the paranormal 

In good old New York 

And so I'm glad we parted with weary hearts

And crushed dreams

That caused us so much anxiety 

Somewhere so deep

That Morpheus The Greek

Couldn't tempt us 

To sleep

For as

Time flew by 

Happiness returned

Like a birthday gift from 

The Most High

But now 

Deep down inside

I still crave silently to weep 



Broken each second

Just a little bit more


Creeping up relentlessly

And causing me dark dreams 

To cross forbidden thresholds and reopening old 

Once closed doors

Left by life with you and its wealth of tragic wars

And all the sad moments 

You can never prepare for

But still I'll rise

Like the early morning 


No longer 


Looking for something so incredible


That's so irreplaceable

Which I now know is unachievable 


So I'll move on

Starting tonight

Like all the other strong women


As I pray before 

I start a new day

Two wrongs

Can never make it right 


Copyright John Duffy




The voice of Emilien


The voice of Emilien

(A lone voice whispers)

I once met the King of all Darkness 

In France 

As we played poker for my soul 

In a burnt out house

While Edith Piaf sang 

La vie en rose 

On a tattered radio

With no power

He carried in his pocket 

Causing the watching fireflies to dance

I remember asking the Tall Man where he'd been

He said


To cause the Germans and the Resistance some pain

And as we played in that falling smoke-filled rain

I cheated and won

The prize 

Reaching out through someone after my time has run

After sunrise is over

Summoned by the setting Sun

In darkness 

To see if the world still cries 

Like it did before me

In 44

So I send this

For we played


Late last night 

Old Nick and me

And He won

The prize 

Taking me where

The sun don't shine

To be endlessly chastised

So this is my last message

For your eyes

Before the sun rises 

Look to the East

The low drumbeats 

Of World War Three are starting to beat 

For many 

There will be pain like 


Something so evil

You should all remember 

Who and what you do

In whoever's name

Or you could be playing poker with the Tall Man

As Edith Piafr sings

La vie en rose 

On his tattered radio

As The East and NATO

Trade nukes

Compelled to do so

By the prodding of the Tall Man and the curse 

Of the male ego



Copyright John Duffy 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Should Love Be nicknamed La Guillotine?

 Press play 

Commitment. Senryu Form.

 Is this the striped back version of your life, when you truly commit to another?

Or maybe, you're still looking for that someone special to walk home, with


Commitment. Senryu Form.

We walked our way home


Signed up with a white wedding


To work to our graves



Copyright John Duffy 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Conversation in Hell


In these dark times, you need your faith, whatever it is.

Even more. 


Do you like poetic stories?

There's a great game afoot.

The prize?


if you get hooked 


The Conversation in Hell

′In Hell, a lower devil asked a very successful, higher devil.

 "Your lost souls count is spectacular. How do you turn so many beyond 

Even the likes of Brother Count Dracula?"

The successful devil, smugly answered:

Team work and dark temptation with my other six princes.

So to Hell 

We could take souls to be forever anchored 

Using the power of temptation on people 

Who take the Lord for granted.

And making them believe only they matter


Social media

Infused with our dark matter

Sure does make the new herd gather harder


People stay in and

Stop meeting 

Hugging or greeting each other.

From sons and daughters

Fathers and mothers

All fools becoming obsessed with self-imagery 

Causing their soul wilful injury 

Relinquishing their humanity and that's when we step in 

With The Lanterne of Light

Brother Lucifer bringing Pride

Beelzebub bringing Envy

Satan: Wrath

Abaddon: Sloth

Mammon: Greed 

Belphegor: Gluttony

And I Asmodeus. 


For with pride begets envy

Jealously turns into Wrath

Wrath turns to Sloth

Laziness and apathy 

Fuelled by greed to

Gluttony and lust 

And making them believe all our lies 

And in doing so

Losing their empathy 

We do this all the time 

In newspapers or online

On platforms they are brainwashed to trust 

Telling them to live online

With this line

Who needs freedom 

When you live online in a new kingdom

And so it happens

Sad souls living and lying about their lives online

Knowing it's wrong but won't admit it

Envious of family and friends


Chasing fame and fortune but won't do the work

Twerking for Mammon with greed 

Feeding Belphegor's gluttony 

While I Asmodeus

Give them 


The darkest gift any soul needs

And in that manufactured life of presenting success

They die every day at our request 

While encouraging their corruption

In the process 

Only to finally fall when they forget the Lord

And we lead them to Hell 

By The Lanterne of Light

To join our legions and hordes

And it's why I hold the highest souls count

The underworlds

World record

For I make them addicted with a lust for life 

So they forget two simple things which can save their immortal soul

Asking for forgiveness through prayer for the chance to be transformed.

The end.


Moral of the story.

Don't let the darkness in.

It comes calling in many tempting forms you know!

Social media, in any form can easily turn into a form of addiction.


Hate, fear, jealousy, envy, sloth, lust and so much more. 

Sending best wishes and blessings. 

Be safe in spirit as well as life. Salute. 


Friday, April 19, 2024

Nuclear Dreams


Nuclear Dreams
With current world events. This reappeared.
(A lone voice whispers)

I had dark visions 
Of rows 

Of freshly dug graves 
Been dug

From Palestine and beyond 

Saw blue skies turn ash grey
As many kneeled and 

In the dark sludge 
Of humanities recklessness 

people call to God
In their many different languages 

Whatever their faith 
In the darkness
To come down from his mighty high throne 

As burning, Chaos 
Screamed for freedom and yelled 

"Sacre Bleu"

Watched once 
Beautiful cities culled

Covered in life-changing radiation and vile mud

As the occult spells of total destruction were sown

From London 
Worldwide to Rome

But as the sea turned from blue 
To black to red 

As many voices
Cried out 
Mourning the dead

I heard this murmur 
Within deep sounds
Shaking the very ground as thunderstruck 

Whispers of the Maiden 
Mother and Crone

Echoing these words to console
The poor souls
Who died

“No more pain will be known”

“No more pain will be known”

I then saw a passage in The Red Book of All Secrets 

To break the cage 
The hold of the Matrix 

This I was shown

And now in these words
Growing like wild Hedera ivy

In the recesses of your mind

I whisper 
To give you a quick fix 

Stand together 
Shoulder to shoulder

Sing battle songs of faith and glory

Remembering your ancestors brave life stories 

Embrace kindness 
As a strength 
Not a weakness

Don't be rude
Before you guess 
Find the truth

Before you conclude
fathom why

Before you cause pain or make someone cry 
Have empathy 

Before you talk 

Think and don't act with impetuosity

For at the end
You'll be judged 

By angels 
Who'll pray

So that 

Ascend and be loved
Not descend

Like all the generals and world leaders

Who want World War Three

To usher in the Great Reset and a coup d'état

Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

noun: rash impulsiveness

Sacre Bleu
astonishment, shock

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Ode to Cecilia

 Do you lucid dream?

If you do, you will probably understand how tragic it feels, to sometimes lose the frequency of a particular dream.

One for the lucid dreamers.

A gift I share and maybe use to create and inspire my visions.


Ode to Cecilia

(A lone voice whispers)

Some rare nights

When my tired eyes


As my soul goes

To the lower levels of the Astral Realms

Where no earthly winds


You sometimes meet me 

Dressed like the true beauty

I always see

In pictures 

Of you and me

Where we hold hands

Walk the line and talk

Like Johnny Cash and June Carter 

But with the Moon as my witness

And the Tollkeeper 

Of the Great Hereafter 

Earths eternal timekeeper 

I'm pulled back to the real world by

Daylight disconnecting Morpheus's

Dark magic

The true king and god 

Of all sleepers

And just cursed to pray

I find you in my next dreams 


For not to do so

Would be so tragic

So my new god


Bless me

With some of your ecstatic melodramatic majik

From the deep depths of the Astral 

Abyssopelagic Zone

So more it


Copyright John Duffy 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Gate

With reflection 

In this

The midnight hour 

I light a white candle

For the one 

Who once had me 

Under her power

Driven by loves

Powerful desires

For us

The Almas Perdidas

(Lost Souls)

Maybe like you 


Left BeHinders

Who wallow and wade through griefs tiring waters

With a brokenheart

After love says  


To then become new drinkers

From Depressions deep well

Praying love returns

With a ring of a lone bell

To see true love

Once more and say



Don't go away

And melt my heart


So we are now 

No longer 

Torn apart

But like all pilgrims seeking God 

In their own particular way

We know the bell will never ring

We know our hearts will never heal or sing 

So we live 

In a living version of Purgatory 

Dying with each breath of decay

We take

As we watch and wait for our call

To join others

Now living beyond

Purgatory Great Gates


Copyright John Duffy 

lmage shared under fair usage policy.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Broken Dreams


(A lone voice whispers)

You are the woman 

Of light and dark dreams

I once tried to conjure 

To conquer

All principalities

From The Great In-Between

The lone star 

In faraway skies

The prettiest rose

Ever seen

The Red Robin

The Black Crow

The Lion

And Black Bear

For your spiritual energy

Radiates so powerfully

It reaches out and calls to me 


Your smile whispers of untold adventures

Your eyes carry a glint

Of mischievous Summer intentions 

And that's I why 

I just linger 

A ghost of futures past

Whose memories of you

My Mon Cheri 

Will always


For they ring out 

Sueños rotos

(Broken Dreams)

Like a talented 

Opera singer 


Copyright John Duffy 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Are you a type A B or C?


Are you: A.

A rhymer

A gatekeeper to old or new emotional sensations

Demanding a freedom

To live in a new format

For real eyes to read 

From the human nation 

Or are you: B.

A young or old timer

Like a goldminer 

From 1827

At Coker Creek

In the high country of Monroe County 


Searching for the right lines 

Like pure gold

To express and extinguish a cold uncontrollable fire 

To turn your soul into one of Poetry's 

Many soldiers who love all nighters 

Going to war everyday

Against tones and metaphors

Juxtapositions or cold terror 

Or are you: C.

Just another lone driver 

Stuck on the highways of dreams 

With a blown tire

Searching for someone new 

To become real fighters Together 

To also love Poetry's all nighters 

With a mirror image to hold tighter and to help make the load 


Or are are you just a mixture of the three?

A represents the need to just write poetry for pleasure.

B represents the need to just write poetry for catharsis

C represents the need to just write poetry while seeking solace in someone special

Who shares the same bliss 


Copyright John Duffy

Monday, April 8, 2024

Country Dreaming

(A lone voice whispers)

In this never-ending storm 

Where powerful introspective winds

Swallow you whole 

As the norm

A thought always strikes like a Promethium lightning bolt

Was there ever a place in your soul 

Where my picture hung and your soul


When it woke up 

As you dreamed

Before going on Astral patrol

For all I can do in humble worship

Is remember

The sweet taste of your favourite red lipstick 

The tantalising feel of your fingers 

Laced in CHANEL N°5 

Lingering around my shoulders

As we both wept 

Watching Beaches

Which always 

Left us speechless 

Ma Chérie?

Do I still linger

In your echo chambers

Like Garth Brooks 

Your favourite Country singer

So in this moment

As my memories gather

Like friends 

In Low Places

As the thunder rolls

Just remember

If tomorrow never comes

And my prayers lay unanswered

I'll always remember how we danced 


Loves ship 

Sailed in

And anchored

But now

Cancelled and abandoned 

As you look in another's eyes

I can only hope

Your memories get baptized 

Like mine

In brutal storms 

Of introspection 

For in my eyes

There are never any real


Just sweet country songs

Of reintroduction 

So we can walk 

Together again

Even though 

We were both cursed

By wet appetites

Of self destruction 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

The Cry Of The Pagan Sorceress Queen


(A lone voice whispers) 

With wide crystalline eyes

Fluctuating between ever-shifting layers of happiness and fear

Ever watchful

With piercing orbs of either tranquil brown green or blue 

So deeply captivating whispering in their echo chambers

I really see you

So I compose this small golden trinket 

To some a tiny poem

But to those in the know

A spell

Whilst lost in these yellow sands of time

As I swirl through this fluctuating vortex 

Will you read my offerings

As your minds listen to my gift of meter and rhyme

Can you feel that quickly rising crescendo of desire

Willing you to burn forever in my molten flames and yell


Inside internally

A new means to help extinguish those painful fires 

Of such misery still found upon

Those tired old redundant roads of humanities dark traits

You may still walk upon

But wait

Will you pray to me and implore for more

To push open the once-locked doors between us

Shall I welcome you through my red gates

My new neophyte 

To sit by the Babylonian River to talk

And be reborn

Into a new light 

Do you seek a pathway through the dark woods

Of Neverland

To walk to a sacred place where you are sensuously

Bathed and embraced

As we

The Maenad

Read you and see all those distant places

In your minds eye

Where you once courageously visited and stood

Do you still dream of taking off that shield you wear to protect your soul

Your version of an Eyes Wide Shut mask

And entering such a safe and non judgemental sanctuary 

Hidden within divine branches and creeks

Where you are perpetually energized 

And no longer feel weary 

Unloved or weak 

Do these sudden paroxysms turn your emotions

Once cold as ice to a new fire

I merely still ask

Will you take my hand forever

To walk past these dying lights of midnight

To a enter a new realm 

Filled with such hushed and unexplored mortal and spiritual delights

What says you

Shall I come about two 

To collect you


Copyright John Duffy

Image share from Pinterest under fair usage policy.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Soledad (S)

(A lone voice whispers)

In silence

On Kings Street 

I once found my second heartbeat

Wrapped in paper blue

Selling roses

Stacked in red and pink lines

Of two by two

My love climbed out of my skin like a supernatural ghost

Knocked on her hearts door

And pleaded to be let in

Her soul said yes

And we lived blessed

We shared speeches on sunlit beaches 

Reached heights of such magnanimity 

Its beautiful frequency must now hurtle like a ray of light

Throughout eternity 

We sat on front porches 

Watched the world stroll by

Smiled as the honeysuckle sun

Rose to scorch us

Two burning candles 

Emanating such light

Until the air force of mosquitoes

Came out to rule the night

We raised our hands 

In unison

Entwined fingers

Adorned with two matching golden rings

And retired 

As the choirs of garden

Crickets began to sing

Slept with peace

In the same bed

Now we were wed

But then came

The Narley Man

Came in silence

To Kings Street  

Looking for a second heartbeat

One wrapped in paper blue

Selling roses

Stacked in red and pink lines

Of two by two

Sent his love like a supernatural ghost


Knocked on her hearts door

And pleaded to be let in

And so I'm left to carry on in silence

Filled with thoughts of emotional violence 

Such is the power to destroy

Wrapped up in paper blue

Selling red and pink roses

Stacked in lines of two by two 

On Kings Street

Who shattered all that once mattered 

By the three red letters

Which spell sin


Copyright John Duffy 


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Soledad (S)

A Spanish word meaning lonely.

Are you anointed by concupiscence to write?

(A lone voice whispers)

Are you anointed by concupiscence to write

Until your death

With time found

To exhale and express your soul's sacred breath

To be surrounded by Creativity's exquisite perfume

As your soul

Now blessed

Stands joyously naked

In any given room

I hope your answer is



Copyright John Duffy 

What is the simple meaning of concupiscence?

Strong desire.

Dreams of Lily

I can only pray

My Lily of the Nile

You'll sleep For a short while

To wander through Morpheus's Incredible Keeps

As I'll kneel to pray to appear in one of its many unknown rooms

 To defeat Death with a game of hide-and-seek

 As I reach out my spirit Beyond my tomb

For I can only call for Heaven’s blessing

 To let me Live and breathe

Into one Of those dwellings

So sleep For a short while

To wander through Morpheus's Emerald Isles

And Incredible keeps

And I'll kneel To pray to appear

In one of its many rooms

To defeat Death

With a little game of hide-and-seek

As I reach out my spirit 

From beyond my tomb

To hold you once more

Like Anthony Held Cleopatra

Or Frank Sinatra held Marilyn Monroe

So I can only call For Heaven’s blessing 

To let me Live on

In one Of those dwellings


Copyright John Duffy

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Conversation


(A lone voice whispers)


There's still a magical circle I wish to find

Said the lonely old Preacher to his mentor 

Father Time 

As they both stood looking at history's many intersecting blue lines

It's a place where true love resides 

In a loop called Once in a Lifetime 

I read about it a thousand years ago 

Before I was recalled when my Golden Bell chimed

And to find it through all of lifes puzzles and paradigms 

I now know after opening so many old books

You have to truly encourage your heart and soul 

To embrace its magnetic flow 

And some say

You have to be willing to sacrifice everything and give up all self control

Sometimes O Father Time

When I look back over the thousands of years 

At my chance of 

Once in a Lifetime 

I can still remember I came so close and that in itself is a crime

For I too once knew a wonderful soul 

My own Red Rose of Jericho

She was so beautiful and as gentle as falling snow

But like all things that came to pass

I lost my way in the grip of the shadowy abyss

And never got to feel her sweet gentle touch or soft velvety kiss

But now I'm a part of you, O Father Time

And as I look back taking up your so very long reach

Using your supernatural telescopes 

To look at old hopes and dearly once loved folks 

I can still see her waiting, sitting there patiently reading

Fluctuating heartbroken throughout the many distinct time frequencies 


Thinking and dreaming about the one 

She so wanted to love and teach 

But who was suddenly snatched by death 

Beyond her reach

The book she's always holding and reading

When I zoom in 

Is a collection of her own poetic sad words linked together tragically 

In broken stories of her life of waiting  


On the outer edges of a grey world

Regaling her only thought 

That I would arrive like a hero from the ether of time

And fill her life with magical moments of such soul-changing happiness and glory 

That so many people would be so surprised and beguiled 

But as I still see her from in here 

Hiding and crying at midnight 

Using your Scrying Mirrors

In this Dark Tower which connects all things and places

Lost in one of history's many bands of low resistance 

Awashed with new and old sinners

I still know that is the only place one day I pray I might reach 

When I have paid my dues to you 

And after going back through time 

As I appear out of the fluctuating ether and blue

To wipe away all her soft wet tears

Maybe then 

We can both be happy to clasp our 

Once in a Lifetime

To then walk upon the soft yellow sands

And smell the life-changing winds

Blowing across that circle's secret beaches 

And then in the realisation of that long lost dream

We may both just smile 

As we finally fade 

Into just being another part of your secret anthologies of love stories

For to find inner peace and divine glory  

To know what that real devotion can bring

You have to fight to reach it

For that's one of the many secrets to what true love is



John Duffy

No claim to image.


Existentialism Dreams

(A lone voice whispers)

Grief maybe like falling Autumn leaves

Praying for some snow

Hoping with its life giving waters 

They will grow

But just before 

They land and

Their only hope disappears

They see the rising sun

And in that instant 



Love and them

Above all the silent deaths 

By a thousand cuts 

Will live on

Even if they turn 

To dust 


For their love for someone special

Will flourish 

In beloved memories

Of someone special

Who they were born

To trust

For sorrow can be conquered

By love

If only one person


You tomorrow 


Copyright John Duffy 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Canto of The Soul

(An old soul sings.

 Surrounded by Lillie's in a now empty hospice, which was full three days ago. 

As the lovely nurse goes to do the paperwork, to increase his morphine.)

Is quintessentially
To live

To essentially

One day accept 

That when your life's about to be obsolete 

You better pray like a God faring priest

Associated with your beliefs

That you don't
Wake up somewhere 

Like in Dante's 
9 Levels of Hell

Walking it's mean streets
From Limbo to Treachery

Lost forever 

Under crimson clouds of molton lava 

As hidden drums 

Copyright John Duffy 

Canto used in this context.

Canto is an Italian word coming from Latin which means song or singing. 

Source: Google.

Foundation of the piece.

My late father went through the Liverpool Care Pathway. 

No food or water. Only increasing doses of morphine via a syringe driver, and sedation.

Can you imagine what they must think as they are rushed to life's greatest climax?


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A Graveyard Shift Monologue

 A Graveyard Shift Monologue

(A lone voice whispers)

She came at midnight

You know

Last night

In red dress that whispered of new dreams

Knocking like a reborn Anne Rice 


At my heart's window

Pleading with my soul

To cross the threshold and be let in

But I the stone warrior

Whose dear love had departed

Turned and walked back into the darkness of loneliness 


For when true love once calls

In your lifetime 

And is then suddenly recalled like a severe blow

To the amygdala

All one can do

Is wallow in limbo

For true love is like the holiest of dreams

One of The Universe's best documentaries


Forged by Brigid to endure

To be kissed 

And be revisited 

Filled with lovers and even enemies

And consumed in any rare moment

Like expensive Hennessey

Bright white candlelights

Providing light 

In a new darkness

And a holy flame to warm any soul 

On any given night

As it clings on to memories of all the people you once loved

And all the things you used to do

To ride through and hold back any new storms

Like my faith in Jesus Christ


Copyright John Duffy  

Anne Rice Lestat:

A famous vampire in a novel by Anne Rice.


Your amygdala is a small part of your brain, but it has a big job. It's a major processing center for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning and your senses.

Source: Google


She is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, smithing and domesticated animals.

Cormac's Glossary, written in the 9th century by Christian monks, says that Brigid was "the goddess whom poets adored" and that she had two sisters: 

Brigid the healer and Brigid the smith.

 This suggests she may have been a triple deity.

She is also thought to have some relation to the British Celtic goddess Brigantia.

Source: Google

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Marked by The Devil

Are there some people so weak, they're always influenced to think:

the grass is greener on the other side?

Is history, film, relationships and life in general, littered with them like cheap wedding confetti?


Marked by The Devil

(A lone voice whispers)

There were times
I wish the Lord

Had intervened and I should have stayed the course

Used the power
Of true judgement

So I wouldn't feel this remorse

And shown up at that appointed hour

After work

And not been
Where I was seen

Shouldn't have hid my wedding ring

In The Wine Bar
At Charlie's

When the Devil whispered
She's nice

Compelling my libedo
To sing
For a taste of his sweet pleasurable sin

For when that eight lettered oath I once made
Was spoken

I love you
At church 

In Downtown

Manhattan was broken

That fateful night
And you left
Soon afterwards


All I can do now is refect
On a sad path
Once taken

And all these black books of grief
It has awakened

I now kneel
In Saint Peter's
Every Sunday

Every Sunday
And pray for atonement

But this pain won't relent
In any known way

So I now live alone
For I'm now one
Of the tainted

No longer

The once Sunday church man

Who was drawn like a helpless moth
To a flame

Now tries to hide
From the Devil
With prayer

For it knows his name
And follows him

So as the these blue clouds overhead

As the blue oceans

Those old mistakes I once made

Still deep down

But will I ever learn

You see
That Devil of mine
Still whispers

I turn

Been married
Eight times
In five years

Since she left
Abandoned each one

On how that Devil
Must laugh

At all he's done

But this time
It's gonna be different

Just told my

Wife number nine
Everything will be fine

She's the one

Now all I got to do
Is not listen to that old Devil

Who's always saying

Be a rebel

Keep them coming
Cheatings always been fun

Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Have you been on Love Patrol


Have you been on Love Patrol searching for love?


Love Patrol

(A lone voice whispers)


Still on on parole 

On love patrol 

In the storms 

Of life

As things spiral 

Out of my control 

I pray Love comes into sight

To make me 


While my heart is beating

Like a lone drummer 

In the middle of the night

In Summer

As I wear my heart on my sleeves

Haunted by Father Time's 

One thousand thieves 


In this wet silence

As I stand outside

The box

In steadfast defiance 

Will I still be praying 

Come November

With this moon still as bright


That the missing part

Of my soul


Will come into sight

And help me 


L'amour apparaît quand on s'y attend le moins. Car tous les papillons ont besoin d’une flamme.


Copyright John Duffy 


Love appears when you least expect it. For all moths needs a flame.

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Tuatha de Danann Dreaming

With timeworn

But stubborn like a six-inch

Jerusalem thorn




Of Halcyon Nights 

When memories waterwheel slowly turns

And midnight candles burn 

As my inner film projectors play

I also remember Halcyon Days

Spent with the now dearly departed 

Yearning for moments only 

The Tuatha de Danann can invoke

Pulling back 

My true love

From Hades 

Swirling grey smoke


Copyright John Duffy

The Tuatha Dé Danann are described as a supernatural race, much like idealized humans, who are immune from ageing and sickness, and who have powers of magic.

Source; Wikipedia.

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Life's First Unspoken Law