. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Friday, May 12, 2023

Have you heard the call?

 (A lone voice sings.)

Press play before reading.




Sister or mister

Can you feel it in the tiny spaces 

In your soul

That low vibration  

Calling out 

Into the middle of the night 

With a low whisper

If you do 

Look to the Wailing Moon  

It will guide you home

To my Red Sky 

Where some of my purple doves fly 

And low shadows 


Underneath and in 

Their locked rooms and catacombs 

Follow the whispering trail 

Of my falling golden messages 

It leaves 

Walk past 

Lord Dagu 

In Spring

The leader of Those 

Who Deceive 

When their bells 

He rings

Follow that incredible feeling 

In Winter 

Like it's your life's only reason 

Hear it in your heart 

From now  


So you can start 

Whatever the season

For your audience grows  

In our woodland groves 





Sisters and




Old lovers or


All watch 

How you run 

Standing or dancing round 

Our huge burning pyre

Waiting for you 

To crossover 

When you retire

To take your place 

In the dancing circle 

By the Endless Fire

And embrace the magic 

Of Omaru 

It's endless power 

As you dance forever 

Under its Dark Tower 

As lost voices 

Ring out in joy

Like golden summoning bells


The Eternal Winds of Lauter 

As they dance and yell 

In all weathers

Now we live 

In happiness 


Purple Rain 

We only want to dance round the fire 

In the rain 

No more pain 

No more pain 


We only dance round the fire 

In the rain

Purple Rain 


Copyright John Duffy

Images shared under fair usage policy.


Prince is still making music, somewhere!


Thursday, May 11, 2023

How hearing voices in the dark, began.


Press play before reading. Salute.

Well I know you're here 

Dear listener

For I  know you can hear my 


That inner one you use to read 

Like all the of the living 

As your hungry eyes linger on each of these intriguing lines 

Ignoring your life's many compelling noises 

As they for attention pine

Shall I'll begin

So before walking and crossing over like one of the world's last wild cowboys

Through the metaphysical blue portal 

To here

Sheol of secret place filled with those who once sinned

Before being summoned like a loyal servant by a mysterious spell

A never seen ringing bell

In my soon-to-come precarious dreams 

To hear unnatural voices 

Hailing from The Great In-Between

One wet night in late September 

If I remember 


In the maelstrom and swirling darkness 

We foolishly sometimes call sleep

A beautiful angel called Lady Poetry 

Crept into my view 

As I slept

She whispered such enchanting tales to my higher self 

Of how many would visit 

And pass on stories of their lives 

As they reminisced

Since those lost souls need this process 

As a form of catharsis 

They needed a friend to express their thoughts like you

About why they still grieved and wept

She continued and whispered 

That I was simply a new conduit from an old place 

We Angels called The Abyss 

And with a parting soft kiss

She disappeared, and then the many voices appeared 

From sleeps swirling grey maelstroms and mists

Voices from new and old disciples 

Trying to plead and bargain their way home

Speaking to memories 

Or of people left in their old world

Through whispers 

Spoken to me in the middle of the night 

As they tried to atone

How do I hear them I was once asked


Within a year or so, of those strange ethereal dreams

And being tasked 

By Lady Poetry

Strange unknown visitors 

Suddenly started appearing within my lucid deep streams

Long-deceased ghosts reciting poetry of love



And all other emotions one could ever feel 

When they once lived 

In the breathing spaces 

In The Great In-Between

And so it begins with tonight's voice in the dark

As I sit lonely here

In my private writing booth 

My darkened room

My den

Illuminated only by my beautiful Tiffany lamp

With my black Remington typewriter for company as my pen

In my mind’s eye 

A shimmering electrically charged stage has suddenly appeared

As it always does

All black save for a type of bright white spotlight in the middle

Like a striking beam of lightning 

A figure has appeared and stepped into the light from the shadows

Into view


Bearded and wearing a white shirt and a dark Mac with piercing blue eyes

He speaks

My name is William


Will you recite my stories to the world

Oh narrator from the lands of the living

Who am I to say no? 

I whisper and so it begins as always

William speaks

Will you listen

I just want my Lucinda to know these words

I never got the chance to say 

Before that car struck me down and I died in that early morning ambulance 

On that so busy motorway

Just still know 


Before you got that fatal call

I can now express better what my soul begs to confess 

If we were worth nothing or rich beyond compare

I would still stand beside you and just try to love you

If you were scared

Frightened or just weighed down with life and all its intense baggage

I would gladly rush in to help carry all your burdens

If you were mad or just simply sad

I would quickly reach out with empathy

Overflowing with an electrifying passion 

To just embrace you in a hug of complete compassion

If you needed some love and light 

In the middle of a lifetime

I would just simply appear through inspired lines 

Like this prose to hold you tightly

Simply to remind you

All your feelings of guilt or pain are also mine

If you needed anything profound 

Beyond my care or abilities

I would just try to simply love you 

From afar

For ours

Lucinda is but a silent union 

Free from physical excesses 

But now entwined and spinning endlessly

Lost in the spiritual cosmos 

Beyond time and space

Until we meet again

I'll always watch over you 

As you with our beautiful children

Alastair and Erin

Run your race 

Goodnight my love 

Sending so much love and light 

From here 

The Lands within Lands 

Only found in The Hidden Places

Copyright John Duffy

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Sailors Story

  (A lone voice speaks)


With no Plan B

I met Annalise

Marylou Brown

In downtown

Los Angeles 

When I ran headfirst into love

In O'Raffertys

Who I thought would be 

The first and only love of my life

After joining the Navy

And serving at sea

While on leave

And then she owned me

Sent and spent all my money

On her

Bought a big old farm in Texas

Big car 

Then she left me

After 7 years 

Taking the house

The car 

Even took Betty Boo

Our famous cow

But like my brother

Straus says

Those that play away

Those that do as the Devil says

Those that love a taste of the Devils cake

Will never be happy

Buy another house and a new cow

Announce to your old spouse 

You're happy for them

And watch them

Ask to return


Then tell them it's too late

For you've too

Met someone else

So maybe 

All this was fate

Me and Annabella

Are just going on a date 


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Ode to Rosabella

(A low voice chants.)

The Great Halls of Kathia 

Still, sing your name 

The gathered souls 

Who Remain 

Scream like the Profane 

For you 

Who played 

The Great Game so well 

And ascended 

Before being tempted 

By Hell 

Travel well 

Newly risen Angel 

They cry in Latin 

Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrexit Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole 

Maybe we'll see you soon 

If The Keeper of The Keys 

Let's us in 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrect Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Maybe we'll see you soon 

If The Keeper of The Keys 

Let's us in 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 

Iter bene

Nuper resurrect Angelus 

Ole Ole Ole Ole 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

The Sattari. Eve's Soldiers.


(A lone voice whispers)

Deep in Blackwood Forest 

At the third stroke of midnight 

If you're brave enough and want to see 

A rare sight 

To see a silver ritual chalice raised 

As dirty country music plays       

See Masters of Temple 

Stand in hot circles of fire 

As people in Eyes Wide Shut masks 


As they sweat and perspire


The summoning ritual 

From The 7th Seal 

Of the biblical maiden 

Who helped usher in 

The Ultimate Sin

From The Great In-Between


To make all kneel     

As she is seen                        

Do want to hear the golden bell ring 

See reckless flames dance 

Like two twin lovers  

Locked in romance         

Into the immortal night     

Be bound in bondage 

To Eve

And that circle in Blackwood 

When found  

Without fight

Just meditate     

Visualize a dark forest 

And imagine yourself there 

As your fate 


In your holy dreams 

When it's dark and late

I'll send The Legendary Sattari 

With a gentle call and whistle 

Into the light 


Dabis animam Evam in aeternum?

To bring you 

To your last-ever party 

In Blackwood Forest 



Copyright John Duffy 

Latin translation:

Will you give Eve your soul forevermore?

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest. 


Monday, May 8, 2023

The Prayer of Galileo

 (A lone figure kneels by candlelight at midnight. And as inquisitive Fireflies watch. Prays to the dark rolling clouds.)

Bound in Golden Fire 

Bound by Secret Names

Bound in profound happiness 

And torment and pain 

To remain but apart


In this lifetime 


Bound by the Almighty Pen 

To make it through 

Days like this 

When the sun's in sight 

Praying time we shared 

In bliss 

At midnight

With a loving kiss 

Will last 


Like a burning flame

In the longest of dark nights 

In memories 

We shared 

When we were brave 

And didn't care


Bound in fire 

Bound in name 

Bound to all things 

In between 

One day 

Bound back 

By a power unseen 

I pray

God will bless us 

And reunite us 




Copyright John Duffy 

The Diary Letter of Billy Goldstein


(A lone voice whispers)

Like a The Diary Letter of Billy Goldstein  letter sent to 

To Kill a Mockingbird 

Reminding me 

Of a paranoid 

Holden Caulfield 

Narrating his sad life away 

In the legendary 

Catcher in the Rye 

I turned left and 

Wandered home  

Feeling lost 

Like a reformed 

Billy Pilgrim 

After my saying my painful goodbyes 

To a version of surviving Schlachthof-fünf 

Or in English

Slaughterhouse 5

After love and heartbreak 

Bombarded me 

With waves of pain 

Singing relentlessly like

The Bee Gees 


Staying Alive

I bought lily-white flowers 

In the early morning rain 

For my new version of Jane Gallagher 

On the way 

To her home 

On Fifth and Main

Nancy Brossard 

The nurse 

Who helped pull me out 

Of Depression's tight grip 

At Oregon State Hospital 

With deep talks 

As we walked 

Around its bleak backyards

Where I fought the head 

Of its ward and state

An authoritarian 

Who strutted about like 

Nurse Mildred Ratched

I picked her favorites 

Of course

Something real fancy 

Nothing cheap 

From the necropolis 

Of green and golden leaves 

Down the street 

From a florist

called Fahrenheit Four 

But when a familiar stranger 

Met me at its blue doors

As I looked in the silver mirror 

Someone who looked like me 

Calling himself 

The stranger who sleeps within 

Something sinister

Made me shiver 

When he said

"Nice flowers 

Real Fancy

Are they for our Nancy?"

Thinking inwardly 

Was Reality giving me its first of many humanitarian lessons 

As I fled 

Like an anxious 

Stuttering Billy Bibbit

For me to worship a new form of love 

Reminiscent like

That imaginary beast 

In the Lord of the Flies 

Before I too spiraled out of control and died 

Was it beyond my remit 


I looked to the skies

And pitifully cried 

Who would save my soul now


Copyright John Duffy 

Incorporating banned books into a poem. So much fun. Salute.

Can you spot them?


Into immortal mirrors

We look 

Binding our eternal books 


Lost in holy dreams 

Thinking about
Things or people 

Life or Death has took 

Some we may forget
Or overlook 

But never those who shined like 

Morning sunshine
On dam or brook 

For true love or friendship

When finally hooked 

Can never be mistaken or shook 

But simply used as binding paper 

In your eternal memory book

Copyright John Duffy

Constantine's letter to Justine

I knew you 


You know 

Followed you 


Into life's 

Blistering snow 

From Galilee 

All the way 

Right up to the blue sea 

Where the Lords waters 


But then you tragically 

Left me

Called Home 


By Father Death 

As if it was preordained,

So here I sit all alone 

Lost in the early falling 

Morning rain

With no one to call or 

Visit as a guest 

But life and liberty 

Go hand in hand 

So I guess I'll wait until I see you 


To share my favorite life stories 

Filled with wild myths and old conquered glories

When the Good Lord finally decides to 

Deliver me 

From here 

The Avīci Hell 

The cruelest of all the Purgatories 

So good night 

My old love 


Until then 


Blessed be 


Look after yourself 



Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared via Pinterest.

(After emails regarding viewers needing more supernatural monologues. Here's one whispered on a rainy Bank Holiday. Salute.)

Monday, May 1, 2023

The End


To just disappear is all one desires

To extinguish old fires


Copyright John Duffy

1st May 2023

My last post.


The Voice at 4 am