. Poetry from The Great In-Between

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Own me. Control me.





Ita fiat illud

Be (L)

(A soft seductive voice, whispers)

In this

The darkest hour

In the Great Pit

Where I wield 

Total power

Sitting beside


Read this 

In this very moment

Silently and patiently

For your soul

To be deliriously deflowered


Imperium me

Ita fiat illud

Be (L)

By me

The Un-Hallowed Queen

Of all sinful slaves

Just lurking


Like a funnel-web spider

Waiting to bite

From the Great In-Between

When The Black Gates open

And I am allowed 



Imperium me

Ita fiat illud

Be (L)

Copyright John Duffy

Latin translation since I know you read the open invitation: 

Own me

Control me

So mote it


Images shared under fair usage policy. 

Like all things, duality exists in poetry.

Duality introduces us to things having two parts, sometimes with fundamentally different meanings.

Similar to peace and war, love and hate.

Good and evil. And so on.

And as poetic and romantic as poetry can be, it too can have two sides to a metaphorical


Light poetry and dark poetry.

While exploring themes linked to the darker aspects of the human experience.

From the macabre, personal suffering, death, and other dark themes. 

A few renowned poets still resonates today.

If one seeks to deep dive into the mysteries of the human condition.

You may wish to enter their realms and visions.

I've just listed a few below for the inquisitive.


Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)

Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)

Anne Sexton (1928-1974)

Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891)

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Letter


The Letter

Mon Cheri

We had a good time while it lasted 

Just remember that

Remember I took your soft hand in the mist

Tried to kiss those soul eyes with a touch of intimate bliss

So now 

Just think of me like this

Like it was a holy Decretum

Think of me like a loose-leaf blowing in the winds of time 

Who once landed on your white window sill

Like a feather sent from heaven

And brought you 

A brief sense of freedom 

Through exchanging rhymes 

For we were briefly baptized by those who never cry

Before the winds of time

Picked up

And the Leviathan's lightning


So saith 


The bold poetic profit

Walking in rivers of deep reeds

Followed by the great dragon that lieth in the midst of so many swirling rivers

Where I'm sent

To appear like a leaf

On a window sill 

To help another swimmer 

From becoming a marked sinner


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Profit as in benefit

Benefiting from helping.

The phrase "mon chéri" is French for "my darling". 

All poetry is open to the readers interpretation.

So I added these notes for clarification.

Thanks for the questions.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Monologue of the lone poet


I first met you in my childhood

In the library 

And I can still remember

When I used to look out of that bedroom window

While reading Shakespeare 

When I was younger

Just thinking about you

Madam Poetry 

I think you already knew

That deep down

I've always known you

Maybe we're starstruck lovers

Who knows


My mind even my family and friends

Now that I'm older

Constantly still send me cryptic coded messages

Warning me to always resist

To step outside 

Into the real world 

To try to convince me to forget that you even exist

But I always listen to my higher-self

And write

As it knows strands of an ancient greater truth

That still today persists

You injected yourself into my humble existence

In a subtle but quite mischievous way

Stimulating me to look inside and analyze myself more

No matter what other folks may ratify to think or say

What they didn't know though

All their words of unwanted advice

Just expanded some more of my repressed emotions

To but dream even more of us

One day,

Swimming together in poetic emotions 

Bluest of oceans

I can't quite comprehend what to deduce of you

Or even to think whenever I smell that familiar old scent of your favourite perfume

Called Stanza 

As I remember

The last time I saw you a few years ago

When you walked through my minds front door

Narrating wild themes linked to propaganda and extravaganza

To be read from here

In Kansas 

Worldwide and Uganda 

Whenever I hear your name

It just drives me crazy with continuous questions

Linked to poetic stories 

Thinking if you could give me the one

I once prayed and asked God for

Maybe that's why I'm just blindly drawn

Like a moth to a burning flame

For you were always so striking compared to so many others

Did you know

An old recently deciphered occult truth

Found hidden deep inside a centuries-old Azerbaijan cave

In a scroll

Simply stated

when translated from Aramaic

Poetic Love is like a huge red blanket

For when it covers you

Your four most primitive of emotions

Happiness sadness fear and anger

Can feel totally smothered

With only brief bouts of feeling tranquil 

When expressed in Poetry's secret language 

Maybe that's really how I feel

Laying here

Thinking about you and wondering

And writing 

Is this what other poets feel

A true calling to rejoice in a love above all 

That's real?

Copyright John Duffy

Purgato Whispers


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Does falling in love change you forever?


From the silence of adolescent or mature emotions, rises a wild crimson and purple phoenix, crying for you to climb on her back.

For the ride of your life.

The ride may end in you falling off heartbroken or clinging on with happiness.

But a question still lingers like the sweet dulcet tone of a church bell been rung;

Does Love change you forever?

Like a tornado

Destroying my perfect life

I fell into love

Copyright John Duffy 



Image shared under fair usage policy 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Have you got a true friend to whisper this to?

Press play.

Halcyon Dreaming

 Halcyon Dreaming

With the unpredictable rise of AI

And its many levels of intrusion, into both business and personal life. 

Do you wish sometimes

You could just escape to somewhere less tech-obsessed? 

A haven with old black

Remington typewriters


Verbal communication

With others just like you

Deep discussions of poetry

Love and heartbreak

Linked to societies plight

In campfire lit nights

As your children enjoyed the great outdoors


Lured away from gaming platforms

As life long childhood friendships are formed 

With unrestrained laughter 

Safe in the knowledge 

They don't have to compete or fight 

A bubble within time

When the good old days

Like those you once had the privilege to enjoy

Weren't tainted by social media or crime


Copyright John Duffy 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Atonement Dreaming

 Press play.

Atonement Dreaming

(A broken man sings as the sunsets while nature pauses and listens)

Loving You

Is still so easy

The husky voice 

That sweet smile

Lighting up my life

With your Love

Like lightning 

For a country mile 

As it still frees 


So when my sun finally sets

And my tired eyes 

No longer 

Need to get wet

As I take my last breath

I'll remember 

Loving you was easy

And why it still frees me

The husky voice 

That sweet smile

Lighting up 

My life

With your Love

Like lightning 

For a country mile 

And that's why

I'll always 

Love and remember you

For your love

For a guy like me

Will always echo

Into eternity 

For loving you 

Is still so easy

For your sweet love

Once helped 

Save me


Copyright John Duffy 


Image shared under fair usage policy.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Voice of Malachy

 The Voice of Malachy

Do you
Sometimes need 

Go deep 
To the Eternal well 

To use and meet the 
Mother and Goddess 

Of Poetry
And feed her

With hand written pieces of your pulsating soul

In quiet hours

To be given
In an exchange of transmuted powers

Contracts of Redemption

To embrace a deliverance from sin and to find freedom 

From all strands of captivity

In whatever forms

So your soul can be
Healed cleansed and transformed

To once 

Flower with salvation 
As you bravely 

Walk through any storm
And grow

I can only hope and pray 
You do so

Copyright John Duffy

The Monologue of the Enlightened Soul

(A lone voice whispers)

When you take a physical form in this plane of existence 

In time and space

You also manifest an astral body

To help you run your race

In Kashmir Shaivism 

We call it puryashtaka rupa which is Sanskrit

In case you didn't know it

And just like the physical form

Your astral body has the same nervous system and these nerve currents are called Hita Nadis

And within these nerve currents pass the true beauty of you 


This is me moment

Like spiritual electricity 

Saving every moment of your life ready for your next incarnation 

For when it's time to reincarnate

We never die you know

We just walk to a new gate

And all that stored information is used in your update

For you become what your consciousness

Or subconsciousness 

Craves or hates

For you and you 


Are the creators of your own heaven or hell


Traumatic or ecstatic situations 

For your soul to grow and be ready for a better time 

In the next round


If you're going through a hard time

Are lonely 


Or feel weary 

Don't worry 

It will soon get better 

Good times appear when you least expect it

And like a rainbow

Your life will soon shine

With a multitude of colors 

Everywhere you go

Just remember Perseverance will be your eventual deliverance

And if you're having a good life

Are loved

Happy and content 


Your struggles and kindness paid off in your previous life

Wherever you came from or went

In ending 

Don't take life too serious

You will get another chance 

So fill your puryashtaka rupa

In this life

With as many incredible moments as you can

Help to be kind

When you can

Live with any form of love

You may find

And maybe the One'ness

Will reward you

In your next lifetime 

For you 

And only you

Are your soul's


For when you come back

Do want a better life

Or a hard one that could lead to an early heart attack 



Copyright John Duffy 



Growing up