. Poetry from The Great In-Between: September 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024


(A lone voice whispers)

In the lower levels of spiritual existence 

We once roamed
Alone and lonely

Looking for true love

And all its mysterious emotional energy

Hidden away 
In our empty homes

And like a red rose 
Blooming in a garden of thorns

I found you
Like a rare diamond amongst the coal

Blowing your triumphant golden horn

We danced
Sang and laughed together

And our happiness seemed forever

But Fate
That unseen handler of so many

From The Great In-Between

Then you were once more lost 

The ever-expanding sea
 From dark shores

Had reached us and you were beached


Where and there
Between us

Regret is a grey smoke 
I will never breathe

A tablet of separation
I will never take

For our life
Together although short

Will vibrate
Throughout my eternity 

For memories make a person once broken 

Smile filled with happy thoughts
Though unspoken

For pain and regret are always blowing like hungry

Vampiric seeds in the loose winds

Hoping to take root and grow in the garden of sad hearts

Which invite them in

Sadness found in regret and pain 

Should be cleansed by remembering

All those happier times 

For that's how I remain

For even though now
My old love and me

Don't share the same
Common ground

Rose DeWitt Bukater and Jack Dawson
In that famous Titanic ending scene

We'll dance forever 
In my dreams

Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy

Autumnal Whispers

 Autumnal Whispers 

Autumnal darkness comes like a favourite old friend 

In this

The longest of nights

In September 

Creeping in like a Mesopotamia creeping mist 

Like one remembered 

While the rest of the world is sleeping 

Depriving me of sleep

Underneath its meager grey skies

As weather chimes



Sing and whistle

In rhyme 

O Lord,

Hear my cry

On your

Most High

Open up my soul contract

And declare by your decree

My freedom is still intact

My freedom to find my Lucinda

The girl who once gave me her number 

A while back

Only to lose me and our whispered pact

By the strike of your thunder

Hear me

O Mighty Lord

In this Autumnal hour

Cut the cord 

Cut the cord

So I can leave this memory place 

Of smoke and ash

So I can just run

To find her with all my remaining power

But in these low whispers 

In the deep depths

I feel the vibrational presence of viewers

So here's to you


The bohemians 

Eccentrics originals and mavericks

The kingdom builders of visual worlds that shine through 

Using the power and brilliance of inspired words and fluted thoughts

I pray with you to stay

Like my beloved Lucinda 

In memories


The Ones

That has the brilliance of words and fluted thoughts 

Only you

I can praise


The searchers



Time abusers

Be free and never 



Copyright John Duffy

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Wastelands of Shibboleth.

 Foundation of the piece:

Do those we lose, watch and wait?

What do you think?


The Wastelands of Shibboleth. 

(A lone voice whispers)

These nights are so long 

Now that I've crossed this dark sea with the child of Erebus


The Coming Home


To a land undreamed of

But I sometimes 


Do you still miss me

My only love

Now that we're both free

For I'll still love you 

As long as The Hurrian Hymn is played 

Even as long 

As heartfelt prayers are made

To the peaks of the highest snow-covered mountains 

And into the deep depths

Of Agartha 

Hidden Fountains

My soul may be unreachable

And out of sight

Every night

Brought about by our Lord and Grace

By always remember 

I'm here

Just waiting in a pristine white room

In a unique place


Through my obsidian scrying glass

I can still see 

Your beautiful face

By sun and moon

Rain or shine

Fire or candlelight

To love you

Is all I now have 

To carry me through these endless nights

In these Barren Lands

To remind me

You were once mine

An even though

I've taken my last breath

When Deaths Messenger

Charon called

I'll still love you through all the tragedies


Thane of Glamis

Loved his Lady Macbeth 

For sometimes faith in love 

Is all you can use

When you have nothing left 

To lose

So when God

Bade me take my last breath

With a wave of his hand

Like Nero of Rome

So I could hear the child of Erebus


The Coming Home


I made his messenger

Titan promise

I shall see you better

Even after death

When you join me here

In Shibboleth

The Wastelands 

Filled with those

No longer wearing flesh 


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Music shared through Cap Cut



(A lone voice whispers)

In this new spiritual war, 

I've searched

So many once long forgotten rooms 

Hidden in this cathedral of my mind

My old worldly kingdom

Looked in faded memory tombs

For freedom

Visited death and birth

Laughter and mirth

Mementos of life on Earth 

Endless light

And dark cloaks

Worn by


Of folks



I'm here 


Standing like a lighthouse 

Before all the oncoming

All consuming darkness 

By this 

Always burning 

Old Oak tree

The only truths

I now know

Sharpened by the Blacksmiths 

Of Time's


As it flows

Like poetry by

Oscar Wilde

And it's why 

My soul

Now bleeds

In rhymes and cries 

Looking down to the walking flesh coffins


Filled to the brim

With greed and sin

Just awaiting a home

When gravediggers

Are summoned 

By lone priests

To dig

I've watched love turn to hate and burnt to ash 

As foolish lovers

Took the Devil's cold cash

Looked upon empty bedrooms 

As angels were cast out by new practices

From loving homes

Seen red roses

Crushed in concrete

To never regrow 

As their leaves 

Withered in sorry defeat

In the ethereal snow

Saw Straw Men

In red clouds 

Ride in


To rain down on those 

Praying to sin

But through it all

No matter how many

Pieces have to fall

The only truth that matters

Is to have faith

In whatever religion 

You believe in

To break the bullpen 


So You'll know when to protect yourself 

To never choke again

For one day 


The true believers

Will stand 

Shoulder to shoulder

Arm in arm

And sing this

Our battle song 



Keep us





From the wicked 



Protect us from storms of violence 


By planners


In the silence



Come our Way


You are the Way

The way to

The Ford


Hear us



Hear us


Glory Glory



Glory Glory



Do you believe 

You'll stand and sing

Arm in arm

When the Great Tribulation 

Comes and


I hope so

For when the trials of sin come

I'll look for you 

To take 

Your arm

To sing our marching song as the great purge begins

To the sound of beating drums



Keep us





From the wicked 



Protect us from storms of violence 


By planners


In the silence



Come our Way


You are the Way

The way to

The Ford


Hear us



Hear us


Glory Glory



Glory Glory




Copyright John Duffy


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Señora Desamor: Lady Heartbreak

Press Play

(A lone voice whispers)

I can always remember the first time I met her

Dancing wearing blue roller skates to Disco Inferno

In Studio 54

In 77'

All dressed in white satin 

I should have known 

Deep down what would happen

She'd put me under her emotional spell

Like an angel sent from Heaven 

Then invite me later

Like a concierge

Into here

Heartbreak Hotel 

Where the broken go to rebel and scream

In their cells

As She watches and

Absorbs the sights and smells 

While lost souls like us

Kneel plead and yell

Burn baby


So it must be true what some say

That if you're eager to learn about or taste a touch of hell

Take a sip of love's crimson waters 

From her deep well

To fall under her spell


Copyright John D 

Señora Desamor: Lady Heartbreak

Image shared under fair usage policy 




Press Play.

Foundation of the piece:

Do you trust everything media companies broadcast?

(A lone voice whispers)

Let that balloon of propaganda and conditioned hate go

So it can disappear and fade like winter snow

Like when Spring comes

Marching in 

With her army of green 

Called Rebirth

To fire life-giving bullets from their green guns 

Into the Earth

As She watches and speaks in tongues 

To embrace the sounds of your own souls redemption drums

When that time 

Finally comes

For even the blind get led by the blind

Cleverly played by those 

Who cast mind spells to bind

So let that balloon float away

Filled with verses that once swayed

Starting today

Therefore, in closing 

Listen carefully what newscasters say

For all words are spells

Particularly poetry

Don't get given a dark balloon of hate by Spellcasters

With minds

Bought with silver pieces of eight

To cast mind spells to bind 

To subjugate

Who are always lying in wait

Smiling sitting in this interconnected world 

Just bought and paid for 

To manipulate 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Monologue of the Vampire who changed his name to Dorian Gray


Press Play.

(A lone voice whispers)

I've seen crazy things

Mortal man should never see

Done and experienced acts of such depravity in candle lit 

Incense filled bedrooms

And chambers


I'll take when I'm called to the tomb

Sailed in slow-moving ships and endless 

Wet hips around the world

Not just in this

My present life

But many more

Past lives

Entered dark places of depravity

Straight ones wouldn't enter or drink in 

Fearing the call of serving the Countess of all Sin

For eternity 

But now I feel Death wanting to take this life alongside all I love

For I feel him looking in my secret scrying mirror 

Smiling like Michael Angelo with his bony hands by his side

Tapping in rhythm 

The Marching Days Are Over

But with my silent heart now asking 

Was it worth it

All that excessiveness and scandal 

As we sit on this last mountain of Goodbyes

Not feeling the warmth of this purple-repentance candle

On my cold and calculating mind

Her bright light

The one from so long ago

Strikes my amygdala

Like an arrow fired by Sitting Bull

From an acute angle

Deep into my skull 

And as her sweet memories fill my immortal cup

From my first love

I know why I won't accept Deaths offer and be culled

For to drink all that this life and future lives offers

I'll take everything in her memory and will never stop

As I wade knee-deep

Through its fast flowing waters

Looking for more lambs

Ready to slaughter 


Copyright John Duffy 

Image shared under fair usage policy.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Have you taken her mark yet?


Press play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Take these few words as my blade

My Athame

To take my mark
To be my eternal slave

Wherever you sit or lay Beyond the stars

For I'll help mend all your scars
Keep your deep secrets

Help you breathe in deeply
To quell the screaming

So you can revel and grow
In my new experiences

As your soul drifts
Through words

Like the Mary Celeste and starts singing

Never to feel empty
Or lonely

For I'll help you make it Through each and every night

So make my mark
On your astral skin

Think of Poetry
And welcome me in

And we'll have each other
Every day and night

So it'll be alright
I'll help you

For you're everything I need And everything I want

A new flame to join

The many others 

I helped to blaze and see

So conjure me with

"Sume animam meam

(Take my soul

And I'll be with you

So mote it be

(C) Copyright John Duffy

Echo's in the Long Night of the Soul

(A lone voice whispers)

Like a visceral arrow

Of golden luminosity

My heart

Shattered and exploded

When we once

Spoke in hushed secretive


Two strangers who

Through synchronicity

First met

While Times eternal candle

Slowly burnt and eroded

As we mentally entwined and

Eventually, metaphysically

Became as one

With a long deep French

Spiritual kiss

In the dying embers of

Midnight's burning desire

We consummated our union

Blessed by the silvery rays

Of the midnight sun

And as we dreamt in-between

We became married lovers forever

A rekindling of a rebirth

A new reunion


Protected and just blessed

Wherever and

Whenever we slept

Beautiful angels watching

Hidden in the cosmic dust

Just hidden from sight

Sang a melodic

Symphony of Amor

Just for us

To be the eternal seducer's

Of the body and mind

Throughout the darkest of

Long nights

And as we pondered

Our brief moment in


We caressed Father's Times


And he held back his long reach

When we made plans

For the future


In the early morning afterglow

As our now

Newly connected minds

Walked together on the velvety

Soft yellow sands of unknown


Our hearts must have been beating

Within an all-consuming singularity

As we smiled

And held each other's soft gaze

Free from all

Beguiling members

Of society

We each silently wondered

Could this be the one?


Love ignites a tempestuous

Magnificent fire

Of such an intense magnitude

That we are either consumed

Willingly by its glorious

Crimson flames

Or burnt forever

But still, we seek it out

For we must!


It's simply

An old escape

A magnificent treasure

Bestowed from high above

A simple true spiritual gift

May you receive it at least once

Within your lifetime

Like a blazing arrow of

Golden luminosity

May it at least once

Pierce your beating

Beautiful heart

Once upon your long

Perilous journey home

Setting your soul on fire

And helping your soul to atone

From all your wrongdoings and misdeeds

For some say


Like a strange

Philosophers Stone

Has its visceral arrow

Found you yet

And are you but another

Just walking blinded and

Love drunk on its

Hypnotic all consuming mead

As you stumble through

Father Times' ever-changing meadows

As he smiles and watches

Just hidden in the long reeds

Of time

As you ride one of his many

Wild evocative

Crimson and white


I hope so

I can only hope and pray you find the courage to let all your fears go

To find the one who

Drinks from your soul

Copyright John Duffy

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Press Play.

(A lone voice whispers)

Until we meet again

Let us we carry each other deep 


Wherever we go

Through the Spring


Autumn and cold Winters snow

For while we breathe as the moon rises and the sun still shines

Remembering to cherish the memories and peace before grief arrived 

Smiling like a common thief


Until we meet again

Look to the sky

For as long as the rivers flow

Please let us know peace

For our love was foreordain

And that love will never die


Until we meet again

For there are never any goodbyes

(C) Copyright John Duffy 



Until we meet again


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Late Night Whispers

(A lone voice whispers)

I once knew a beautiful woman's name

Called Josephine 

A lady who I met

While trying to escape the matrix of the mundane 

While dancing online

Like Margot Fontey

In the cyber rain

In time

She became my true guardian 

My goddess

My white cross to bear

Who freed me like Moses

From years of pain

My midnight sky

Who parted my Red Sea

Who loved me

With every beat of my

Once lonely heart

The only dark temptation 

I dared to taste

The only risk

I chose to take

And so we were happy as Larry and Saint Clare 

But then 

From nowhere 

Mister Misery 


From somewhere 

To claim all I 

Held so dear 

The night sky 

Once filled with silvery stars

Turned black as obsidian 

With no moon

My tears 

Once happy

Fell relentlessly like a Monsoon 

But then ten months ago

Just last June

Something came shining through

Like Venus 

The Morning Star

From afar

And my higher-self said what to do

A perfumed musky letter appeared 

Right out-of-the-blue saying in Spanish 

Lo siento mucho

Corrí porque llevaba a tu hijo

y estaba asustado 

tu dirías adios

¿Puedo volver con mi dulce pequeño Rafael? 

Entonces podemos empezar de nuevo

(I'm so sorry

I ran because I was carrying your child

And was frightened 

You would say goodbye

Can I come back with my sweet little Rafael? 

So we can start again)


Copyright John Duffy 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Penitentiary Dreams

Press Play 

(A lone voice whispers)

I still miss your bright white smile

My living breathing Calliope

Every night 

Like I miss our first kiss at the fairground 

On that old Merry-go-round 

For they always appear as bright beams of luminous glorious lights

Shooting from the deep depths

Of a faraway Heaven

Your warmth and guile

Satisfying my manifestation of love

Given birth of creation 

Once by the Mighty Creator

Here on Earth

A glowing towering beacon to help push back 

The hordes called Legion

Prowling like hyenas

In the darkness

Around me

For you were

And always will be 

My daily taste of gladness

A philosopher who too has seen and tasted 

The wild beast wine 

Of anxiety and madness

So now I call out to you from this wild wood

Where my prison is as I am stood 

This wild forsaken place where loveless things 

In the dark shadows slither and crawl

Tormenting us all 

As we all bang tin cups on our prison walls

Stalking memories alone in uneven lines

Like a lone feral grey wolf pines

Throughout this paranormal neighbourhood 

For with you died

Like so many in here who cry

My spark of life

My ecstatic joyful Sun

My bringer of serenity and jest

So in here in my southwest cobwebbed-filled hut

As other prison cells in Desolation Row

Ring out

Like thunder

In a rising crescendo of shrieks of pain and anguish

As we all 


Walking the Green Mile down Memory Road

Remember me before the last harvest

Before you get old

So I can be paroled

Light a white candle 

In your mind's eyes

See our first kiss with love at that fairground 

Sat on that Merry-go-round


Beneath that undulating red ocean of pain

Crashing like endless Pacific tides 

Maybe again and again

So that I may still live

If only for a moment

For what I wouldn't give


To breathe once more

To open and walkthrough

That old marital front door

If only for one hour

But as these loud voices  

Surrounding me get louder

And grow in power

As tin prison cups

Relentlessly bang

Like dark country drums

Hour by hour

With sounds like exploding gunpowder on black bars of illusion 

As I look out for you

From my window

In my cave

My penitentiary 

Here in my own watchtower


My thousand-named queen

My rare

Middlemist Red flower

This broken piece of your soul awaits

To be reunited 

To bring peace

When your presence in The Great In-Between

Opens his cell door

As if by magic 

So he can 

Scream no more

But walk home

Into the bright lights

With the only love 

He adores

Both striding 


Hand in hand

To enter into


To be refined like silver


The Last Great Reaping and Rapture

Of the Prince 

Who is to come

To build Dissolution

Row everywhere 

For all he captures

Remember me

Your Luca 

Your number 1


Copyright John Duffy

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Call of Exo

 A mythical supernatural short poetic monologue, for those who enjoy, semi long reads.


The Call of Exo

(A lone voice whispers)

Have you ever tasted the sour black wine

Of trying to live a life of separation in lands of desolation 

One filled with an erratic marching Mariachi band

Playing the Vihuela and Guitarrón

Taking turns 

Singing in rhymes 

About your pain

As they play on

About living a life with nothing to gain

Surrounded by Kukulan dark soldiers 

Of an unseen nation

From The Great In-Between

Chanting mantra's of shame with a sabbatical of 

Coniunge ordines nostros et inveniet libertatem

Coniunge ordines nostros et inveniet libertatem

(Join our ranks and find freedom)

(Join our ranks and find freedom)

Living a new life without any seemingly form of emancipation 


Like a new Eve

For all bad things


Lost in a schism of time

Hovering like a hummingbird

Between the fluctuating streams of two worlds

The Old and New

As they burn

Like green and blue

paper cups

Filled with broken dreams

Of love

Hope and peace

Even yellow cups of sadness with no sight of escape or release 

This prophetic dream

Of a Paradise Lost 

Like Milton

I was shut down with every night as my soul was unwritten 

Like a clone of Nikola Tesla who once dreamed of making it

As his patents were forbidden 

And as I now shudder in this cold while that familiar story 

Like a dark Hollywood picture show 


There is a new voice calling like a siren

An original voice 

Summoning my soul

With soft sounds

I hear whispering in my centrepiece

Llámame y vendré

Llámame y vendré

(Call me, and I'll come)

(Call me and I'll come)

Over and over 

A voice crawling all over and haunting my inner place 

Of grey walls

In the Void 

As it slowly calls 

Llámame y vendré

Llámame y vendré


With hope's desires and all-consoling dreams

As the Kukulan dark soldiers 

Retreat and scream

Unctus Tu ad nos pertinent Equites in Aeternum Pulvis 

Unctus Tu ad nos pertinent Equites in Aeternum Pulvis 


(Anointed Thou belongs to us Knights in the Eternal Dust)

(Anointed Thou belongs to us Knights in the Eternal Dust)

As they come to know

Their calls 

I no longer trust 


Copyright John Duffy 


The City called Forgiveness

(A lone voice whispers)

In the deepest of silence

Each night

I walk into my own created Maelstrom

Like a brave Wyatt Earp on Fremont Street

As memories of you return as my tired heart still beats

With a slight shiver running like a young Usain Bolt

Up and down my weary spine

The air always fills with that so familiar pulsating scent


As I feel your old presence 

And visually embrace 

All those lingering thoughts and images 

Which come alive

Of everywhere

We once went

Like to Malibu 

Spain or France

And when I look into our old bathroom mirror

I can still see familiar dark eyes looking back

Asking me to dance

Which carries your sweet smile

One heaven sent 

But when those loving  sensations slowly fade

And life winds

Once more blows

More pain 

My way

Like a wild hurricane 

Just know

My crow-haired twin

In my Eternal White Room

I carry you 

Deep inside

Wherever I go

For your husky voice



Rides and rules

My internal highways 

Like a reborn Gail in a

New Sin City

A place I call now


When doubt calls

And I feel guilty


Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy via Pinterest.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Do you believe in Spirit Guides?

 (An Enochian, Whispers.)

I'm the low whisper 

Heard faintly

In the frequencies 


The soul changing winds Of metamorphosis 

To guide you from sin

If you let my voice in

Love songs

I softly sing 

To help lovers 

Find their twin

I'm the open ocean

For some to swim in

The heat to defeat cold emotions 

And although I walk in silence

Between the spaces In-between

I'm the loudest voice 

Ever heard or seen

The King or Queen 

Who's as strong as steel

The gleam in a new midnight sky

A treasure

Yours to find and hold on to

Before you die

The sweet smile on your soft lips

That shiver across your spine

Like the touch 

Of a lone fingertip

The reflection in your mirrors eyes 

The blessing to be found


Whenever you've cried

A heavenly gift that never sleeps 


The sound you'll hear 

When you pray 

Who's always around

For I'm endless

And so profound

The lone walker 

In the Underground Stream

Whenever you dream

The seed you'll need to know

To grow 

The purple flower

In the middle 

Of your life's stream

Who follows you

Wherever you go

I bring faith with me

As a free gift

For you to always believe 

To cure 

And relieve 

If you need a lift

And though you cannot see me

I sail behind you 

Upon your lifes many tides

Some soft

Some wild

For it's all just a brief ride

A secret friend

Bestowed from up High

Glad to meet you

And someday we'll meet

For I'm your eternal

Spirit Guide


Copyright John Duffy  

Image shared under fair usage policy.
